BioJava contains 1557 classes/interfaces, of which 182 (11.7%) exist in BioSharp.
Of the classes that have been ported, not all are complete, as shown in the following table.
BioJava | BioSharp | Status |
org.biojava.bibliography | BioSharp.Core.Bibliography | |
| BiblioArticle | | BiblioArticle | NotPorted |
| BiblioBook | | BiblioBook | NotPorted |
| BiblioBookArticle | | BiblioBookArticle | NotPorted |
| BiblioCriterion | | BiblioCriterion | NotPorted |
| BiblioDescription | | BiblioDescription | NotPorted |
| BiblioEntryStatus | | BiblioEntryStatus | NotPorted |
| BiblioJournal | | BiblioJournal | NotPorted |
| BiblioJournalArticle | | BiblioJournalArticle | NotPorted |
| BiblioOrganisation | | BiblioOrganisation | NotPorted |
| BiblioPatent | | BiblioPatent | NotPorted |
| BiblioPerson | | BiblioPerson | NotPorted |
| BiblioProceeding | | BiblioProceeding | NotPorted |
| BiblioProvider | | BiblioProvider | NotPorted |
| BiblioScope | | BiblioScope | NotPorted |
| BiblioService | | BiblioService | NotPorted |
| BiblioSubject | | BiblioSubject | NotPorted |
| BiblioTechReport | | BiblioTechReport | NotPorted |
| BiblioThesis | | BiblioThesis | NotPorted |
| BiblioWebResource | | BiblioWebResource | NotPorted |
| BibRef | | BibRef | NotPorted |
| BibRefException | | BibRefException | NotPorted |
| BibRefQuery | | IBibRefQuery | NotPorted |
| BibRefSupport | | IBibRefSupport | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio | |
| AbstractAnnotation | | AbstractAnnotation | Complete |
| Annotatable | | IAnnotatable | Complete |
| Annotatable.AnnotationForwarder | | Annotatable.AnnotationForwarder | Complete |
| Annotation | | IAnnotation | Complete |
| AnnotationChanger | | AnnotationChanger | NotPorted |
| AnnotationRenamer | | AnnotationRenamer | NotPorted |
| AnnotationTools | | AnnotationTools | NotPorted |
| AnnotationType | | IAnnotationType | NotPorted |
| AnnotationType.Abstract | | AnnotationType.Abstract | NotPorted |
| AnnotationType.Impl | | AnnotationType.Impl | NotPorted |
| BeanAsAnnotation | | BeanAsAnnotation | NotPorted |
| BioError | | BioError | Partial |
| BioException | | BioException | Complete |
| BioRuntimeException | | BioRuntimeException | Partial |
| CardinalityConstraint | | CardinalityConstraint | NotPorted |
| CollectionConstraint | | ICollectionConstraint | NotPorted |
| CollectionConstraint.AllValuesIn | | CollectionConstraint.AllValuesIn | NotPorted |
| CollectionConstraint.And | | CollectionConstraint.And | NotPorted |
| CollectionConstraint.Contains | | CollectionConstraint.Contains | NotPorted |
| CollectionConstraint.Or | | CollectionConstraint.Or | NotPorted |
| EcNumber | | IEcNumber | NotPorted |
| EcNumber.Impl | | EcNumber.Impl | NotPorted |
| MergeAnnotation | | MergeAnnotation | NotPorted |
| OverlayAnnotation | | OverlayAnnotation | Stub |
| PropertyConstraint | | IPropertyConstraint | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.And | | PropertyConstraint.And | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.ByAnnotationType | | PropertyConstraint.ByAnnotationType | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.ByClass | | PropertyConstraint.ByClass | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.Enumeration | | PropertyConstraint.Enumeration | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.ExactValue | | PropertyConstraint.ExactValue | NotPorted |
| PropertyConstraint.Or | | PropertyConstraint.Or | NotPorted |
| SimpleAnnotation | | SimpleAnnotation | Partial |
| SmallAnnotation | | SmallAnnotation | Partial | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Alignment | |
| AbstractULAlignment | | AbstractULAlignment | NotPorted |
| AlignmentElement | | IAlignmentElement | NotPorted |
| ARAlignment | | IARAlignment | NotPorted |
| EditableAlignment | | IEditableAlignment | NotPorted |
| FlexibleAlignment | | FlexibleAlignment | NotPorted |
| IllegalAlignmentEditException | | IllegalAlignmentEditException | NotPorted |
| NeedlemanWunsch | | NeedlemanWunsch | Partial |
| QualitativeAlignment | | IQualitativeAlignment | NotPorted |
| SequenceAlignment | | SequenceAlignment | Stub |
| SimpleAlignmentElement | | SimpleAlignmentElement | NotPorted |
| SmithWaterman | | SmithWaterman | NotPorted |
| SubstitutionMatrix | | SubstitutionMatrix | Partial |
| UnequalLengthAlignment | | IUnequalLengthAlignment | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Annodb | |
| AnnotationDB | | IAnnotationDB | NotPorted |
| IndexedAnnotationDB | | IndexedAnnotationDB | NotPorted |
| IndexedAnnotationDB.ParserListenerFactory | | IndexedAnnotationDB.IParserListenerFactory | NotPorted |
| IndexedAnnotationDB.StaticMethodRPFactory | | IndexedAnnotationDB.StaticMethodRPFactory | NotPorted |
| LazyFilteredAnnotationDB | | LazyFilteredAnnotationDB | NotPorted |
| LazySearchedAnnotationDB | | LazySearchedAnnotationDB | NotPorted |
| MergingAnnotationDB | | MergingAnnotationDB | NotPorted |
| SimpleAnnotationDB | | SimpleAnnotationDB | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Chromatogram | |
| AbstractChromatogram | | AbstractChromatogram | NotPorted |
| Chromatogram | | IChromatogram | NotPorted |
| ChromatogramFactory | | ChromatogramFactory | NotPorted |
| ChromatogramTools | | ChromatogramTools | NotPorted |
| SimpleChromatogram | | SimpleChromatogram | NotPorted |
| UnsupportedChromatogramFormatException | | UnsupportedChromatogramFormatException | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Chromatogram.Graphic | |
| ChromatogramGraphic | | ChromatogramGraphic | NotPorted |
| ChromatogramGraphic.Option | | ChromatogramGraphic.Option | NotPorted |
| ChromatogramNonlinearScaler | | IChromatogramNonlinearScaler | NotPorted |
| ChromatogramNonlinearScaler.Identity | | ChromatogramNonlinearScaler.Identity | NotPorted |
| FixedBaseWidthScaler | | FixedBaseWidthScaler | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Dist | |
| AbstractDistribution | | AbstractDistribution | NotPorted |
| AbstractOrderNDistribution | | AbstractOrderNDistribution | NotPorted |
| Count | | ICount | NotPorted |
| Distribution | | IDistribution | NotPorted |
| Distribution.NullModelForwarder | | Distribution.NullModelForwarder | NotPorted |
| DistributionFactory | | IDistributionFactory | NotPorted |
| DistributionFactory.DefaultDistributionFactory | | DistributionFactory.DefaultDistributionFactory | NotPorted |
| DistributionTools | | DistributionTools | NotPorted |
| DistributionTrainer | | IDistributionTrainer | NotPorted |
| DistributionTrainerContext | | IDistributionTrainerContext | NotPorted |
| GapDistribution | | GapDistribution | NotPorted |
| IgnoreCountsTrainer | | IgnoreCountsTrainer | NotPorted |
| IndexedCount | | IndexedCount | NotPorted |
| OrderNDistribution | | IOrderNDistribution | NotPorted |
| OrderNDistributionFactory | | OrderNDistributionFactory | NotPorted |
| PairDistribution | | PairDistribution | NotPorted |
| SimpleDistribution | | SimpleDistribution | NotPorted |
| SimpleDistributionTrainer | | SimpleDistributionTrainer | NotPorted |
| SimpleDistributionTrainerContext | | SimpleDistributionTrainerContext | NotPorted |
| TranslatedDistribution | | TranslatedDistribution | NotPorted |
| UniformDistribution | | UniformDistribution | NotPorted |
| UntrainableDistribution | | UntrainableDistribution | NotPorted |
| XMLDistributionReader | | XMLDistributionReader | NotPorted |
| XMLDistributionWriter | | XMLDistributionWriter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Dp | |
| AbstractTrainer | | AbstractTrainer | NotPorted |
| BackPointer | | BackPointer | NotPorted |
| BaumWelchSampler | | BaumWelchSampler | NotPorted |
| BaumWelchTrainer | | BaumWelchTrainer | NotPorted |
| DotState | | IDotState | NotPorted |
| DP | | DP | NotPorted |
| DP.ReverseIterator | | DP.ReverseIterator | NotPorted |
| DPFactory | | IDPFactory | NotPorted |
| DPFactory.DefaultFactory | | DPFactory.DefaultFactory | NotPorted |
| DPMatrix | | IDPMatrix | NotPorted |
| EmissionState | | IEmissionState | NotPorted |
| HMMTrainer | | IHMMTrainer | NotPorted |
| IllegalTransitionException | | IllegalTransitionException | NotPorted |
| MagicalState | | MagicalState | NotPorted |
| MarkovModel | | IMarkovModel | NotPorted |
| ModelInState | | IModelInState | NotPorted |
| ModelTrainer | | IModelTrainer | NotPorted |
| ProfileHMM | | ProfileHMM | NotPorted |
| ScoreType | | IScoreType | NotPorted |
| ScoreType.NullModel | | ScoreType.NullModel | NotPorted |
| ScoreType.Odds | | ScoreType.Odds | NotPorted |
| ScoreType.Probability | | ScoreType.Probability | NotPorted |
| SimpleDotState | | SimpleDotState | NotPorted |
| SimpleEmissionState | | SimpleEmissionState | NotPorted |
| SimpleHMMTrainer | | SimpleHMMTrainer | NotPorted |
| SimpleMarkovModel | | SimpleMarkovModel | NotPorted |
| SimpleModelInState | | SimpleModelInState | NotPorted |
| SimpleModelTrainer | | SimpleModelTrainer | NotPorted |
| SimpleStatePath | | SimpleStatePath | NotPorted |
| SimpleWeightMatrix | | SimpleWeightMatrix | NotPorted |
| State | | IState | NotPorted |
| StatePath | | IStatePath | NotPorted |
| StoppingCriteria | | IStoppingCriteria | NotPorted |
| Trainable | | ITrainable | NotPorted |
| TrainerTransition | | TrainerTransition | NotPorted |
| TrainingAlgorithm | | ITrainingAlgorithm | NotPorted |
| Transition | | Transition | NotPorted |
| TransitionTrainer | | ITransitionTrainer | NotPorted |
| WeightMatrix | | IWeightMatrix | NotPorted |
| WeightMatrixAnnotator | | WeightMatrixAnnotator | NotPorted |
| WMAsMM | | WMAsMM | NotPorted |
| XmlMarkovModel | | XmlMarkovModel | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Dp.Onehead | |
| DPCursor | | IDPCursor | NotPorted |
| SingleDP | | SingleDP | NotPorted |
| SingleDPMatrix | | SingleDPMatrix | NotPorted |
| SmallCursor | | SmallCursor | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Dp.Twohead | |
| AbstractMatrixPairDPCursor | | AbstractMatrixPairDPCursor | NotPorted |
| BackMatrixPairDPCursor | | BackMatrixPairDPCursor | NotPorted |
| Cell | | Cell | NotPorted |
| CellCalculator | | ICellCalculator | NotPorted |
| CellCalculatorFactory | | ICellCalculatorFactory | NotPorted |
| CellCalculatorFactoryMaker | | ICellCalculatorFactoryMaker | NotPorted |
| DPCompiler | | DPCompiler | NotPorted |
| DPInterpreter | | DPInterpreter | NotPorted |
| DPInterpreter.Maker | | DPInterpreter.Maker | NotPorted |
| EmissionCache | | EmissionCache | NotPorted |
| LightPairDPCursor | | LightPairDPCursor | NotPorted |
| MatrixPairDPCursor | | MatrixPairDPCursor | NotPorted |
| PairDPCursor | | IPairDPCursor | NotPorted |
| PairDPMatrix | | PairDPMatrix | NotPorted |
| PairwiseDP | | PairwiseDP | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Gui | |
| BarLogoPainter | | BarLogoPainter | NotPorted |
| BlockPainter | | IBlockPainter | NotPorted |
| DistributionLogo | | DistributionLogo | NotPorted |
| DNAStyle | | DNAStyle | NotPorted |
| FeatureTree | | FeatureTree | NotPorted |
| LogoContext | | ILogoContext | NotPorted |
| LogoPainter | | ILogoPainter | NotPorted |
| PlainBlock | | PlainBlock | NotPorted |
| PlainStyle | | PlainStyle | NotPorted |
| SimpleSymbolStyle | | SimpleSymbolStyle | NotPorted |
| StackedLogoPainter | | StackedLogoPainter | NotPorted |
| SymbolStyle | | ISymbolStyle | NotPorted |
| TextBlock | | TextBlock | NotPorted |
| TextLogoPainter | | TextLogoPainter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Gui.Glyph | |
| ArrowGlyph | | ArrowGlyph | NotPorted |
| Glyph | | IGlyph | NotPorted |
| GlyphUtils | | GlyphUtils | NotPorted |
| HelixGlyph | | HelixGlyph | NotPorted |
| RectangleGlyph | | RectangleGlyph | NotPorted |
| TurnGlyph | | TurnGlyph | NotPorted |
| TwoHeadedArrowGlyph | | TwoHeadedArrowGlyph | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Gui.Sequence | |
| AbiTraceRenderer | | AbiTraceRenderer | NotPorted |
| AbstractBeadRenderer | | AbstractBeadRenderer | NotPorted |
| AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer | | AbstractPeptideDigestRenderer | NotPorted |
| AlignmentRenderer | | AlignmentRenderer | NotPorted |
| ArrowedFeatureRenderer | | ArrowedFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| BasicFeatureRenderer | | BasicFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| BasicImapRenderer | | BasicImapRenderer | NotPorted |
| BeadFeatureRenderer | | IBeadFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| BumpedRenderer | | BumpedRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularFeatureFilteringRenderer | | CircularFeatureFilteringRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularFeatureRenderer | | ICircularFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularFeaturesRenderer | | CircularFeaturesRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularMLR | | CircularMLR | NotPorted |
| CircularPaddedRenderer | | CircularPaddedRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularRenderer | | ICircularRenderer | NotPorted |
| CircularRendererContext | | ICircularRendererContext | NotPorted |
| CircularRendererPanel | | CircularRendererPanel | NotPorted |
| CrosshairRenderer | | CrosshairRenderer | NotPorted |
| EllipticalBeadRenderer | | EllipticalBeadRenderer | NotPorted |
| FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer | | FeatureBlockSequenceRenderer | NotPorted |
| FeatureLabelRenderer | | FeatureLabelRenderer | NotPorted |
| FeatureLabelRenderer.AnnotationLabelMaker | | FeatureLabelRenderer.AnnotationLabelMaker | NotPorted |
| FeatureLabelRenderer.LabelMaker | | FeatureLabelRenderer.ILabelMaker | NotPorted |
| FeatureLabelRenderer.SourceLabelMaker | | FeatureLabelRenderer.SourceLabelMaker | NotPorted |
| FeatureLabelRenderer.TypeLabelMaker | | FeatureLabelRenderer.TypeLabelMaker | NotPorted |
| FeatureRenderer | | IFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| FeatureSource | | IFeatureSource | NotPorted |
| FilteringRenderer | | FilteringRenderer | NotPorted |
| GappedRenderer | | GappedRenderer | NotPorted |
| GlyphFeatureRenderer | | GlyphFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| GUITools | | GUITools | NotPorted |
| HeadlessRenderContext | | HeadlessRenderContext | NotPorted |
| ImageMap | | IImageMap | NotPorted |
| ImageMap.ClientSide | | ImageMap.ClientSide | NotPorted |
| ImageMap.HotSpot | | ImageMap.HotSpot | NotPorted |
| ImageMap.ServerSide | | ImageMap.ServerSide | NotPorted |
| ImageMapRenderer | | IImageMapRenderer | NotPorted |
| LabelledSequenceRenderer | | LabelledSequenceRenderer | NotPorted |
| LabelRenderer | | ILabelRenderer | NotPorted |
| LabelRenderer.RenderNothing | | LabelRenderer.RenderNothing | NotPorted |
| LayeredRenderer | | LayeredRenderer | NotPorted |
| LineInfo | | LineInfo | NotPorted |
| MultiLineRenderer | | MultiLineRenderer | NotPorted |
| OffsetRulerRenderer | | OffsetRulerRenderer | NotPorted |
| OverlayMarker | | IOverlayMarker | NotPorted |
| OverlayRendererWrapper | | OverlayRendererWrapper | NotPorted |
| PaddingRenderer | | PaddingRenderer | NotPorted |
| PairwiseDiagonalRenderer | | PairwiseDiagonalRenderer | NotPorted |
| PairwiseFilteringRenderer | | PairwiseFilteringRenderer | NotPorted |
| PairwiseOverlayRenderer | | PairwiseOverlayRenderer | NotPorted |
| PairwiseRenderContext | | IPairwiseRenderContext | NotPorted |
| PairwiseSequencePanel | | PairwiseSequencePanel | NotPorted |
| PairwiseSequenceRenderer | | IPairwiseSequenceRenderer | NotPorted |
| PairwiseSequenceRenderer.PairwiseRendererForwarder | | PairwiseSequenceRenderer.PairwiseRendererForwarder | NotPorted |
| PeptideDigestRenderer | | PeptideDigestRenderer | NotPorted |
| RectangularBeadRenderer | | RectangularBeadRenderer | NotPorted |
| RectangularImapRenderer | | RectangularImapRenderer | NotPorted |
| RoundRectangularBeadRenderer | | RoundRectangularBeadRenderer | NotPorted |
| RulerRenderer | | RulerRenderer | NotPorted |
| SecondaryStructureFeatureRenderer | | SecondaryStructureFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| SequencePanel | | SequencePanel | NotPorted |
| SequencePanelWrapper | | SequencePanelWrapper | NotPorted |
| SequencePoster | | SequencePoster | NotPorted |
| SequenceRenderContext | | ISequenceRenderContext | NotPorted |
| SequenceRenderContext.Border | | SequenceRenderContext.Border | NotPorted |
| SequenceRenderer | | ISequenceRenderer | NotPorted |
| SequenceRenderer.RendererForwarder | | SequenceRenderer.RendererForwarder | NotPorted |
| SequenceRendererWrapper | | SequenceRendererWrapper | NotPorted |
| SequenceViewerEvent | | SequenceViewerEvent | NotPorted |
| SequenceViewerListener | | ISequenceViewerListener | NotPorted |
| SequenceViewerMotionListener | | ISequenceViewerMotionListener | NotPorted |
| SequenceViewerMotionSupport | | SequenceViewerMotionSupport | NotPorted |
| SequenceViewerSupport | | SequenceViewerSupport | NotPorted |
| SimpleLabelRenderer | | SimpleLabelRenderer | NotPorted |
| SixFrameRenderer | | SixFrameRenderer | NotPorted |
| SixFrameZiggyRenderer | | SixFrameZiggyRenderer | NotPorted |
| StackedFeatureRenderer | | StackedFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| StopRenderer | | StopRenderer | NotPorted |
| SubCircularRendererContext | | SubCircularRendererContext | NotPorted |
| SubPairwiseRenderContext | | SubPairwiseRenderContext | NotPorted |
| SubSequenceRenderContext | | SubSequenceRenderContext | NotPorted |
| SymbolSequenceRenderer | | SymbolSequenceRenderer | NotPorted |
| TickFeatureRenderer | | TickFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| TranslatedSequencePanel | | TranslatedSequencePanel | NotPorted |
| ZiggyFeatureRenderer | | ZiggyFeatureRenderer | NotPorted |
| ZiggyImapRenderer | | ZiggyImapRenderer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Gui.Sequence.Tracklayout | |
| SimpleTrackLayout | | SimpleTrackLayout | NotPorted |
| TrackLayout | | ITrackLayout | NotPorted |
| UserDefinedTrackLayout | | UserDefinedTrackLayout | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Molbio | |
| Composition | | Composition | NotPorted |
| DNAComposition | | DNAComposition | NotPorted |
| RestrictionEnzyme | | RestrictionEnzyme | Complete |
| RestrictionEnzymeManager | | RestrictionEnzymeManager | Partial |
| RestrictionMapper | | RestrictionMapper | Complete |
| RestrictionSite | | IRestrictionSite | Complete |
| RestrictionSite.Template | | RestrictionSite.Template | Complete | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program | |
| BlastLikeToXMLConverter | | BlastLikeToXMLConverter | NotPorted |
| Meme | | Meme | NotPorted |
| PdbToXMLConverter | | PdbToXMLConverter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Abi | |
| ABIFChromatogram | | ABIFChromatogram | NotPorted |
| ABIFParser | | ABIFParser | NotPorted |
| ABIFParser.DataAccess | | ABIFParser.IDataAccess | NotPorted |
| ABIFParser.TaggedDataRecord | | ABIFParser.TaggedDataRecord | NotPorted |
| ABITools | | ABITools | NotPorted |
| ABITrace | | ABITrace | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Blast2html | |
| AbstractAlignmentStyler | | AbstractAlignmentStyler | NotPorted |
| AlignmentMarker | | AlignmentMarker | NotPorted |
| Blast2HTMLHandler | | Blast2HTMLHandler | NotPorted |
| ColourCommand | | IColourCommand | NotPorted |
| DatabaseURLGenerator | | IDatabaseURLGenerator | NotPorted |
| DefaultURLGeneratorFactory | | DefaultURLGeneratorFactory | NotPorted |
| EbiDatabaseURLGenerator | | EbiDatabaseURLGenerator | NotPorted |
| HTMLRenderer | | HTMLRenderer | NotPorted |
| NcbiDatabaseURLGenerator | | NcbiDatabaseURLGenerator | NotPorted |
| SimpleAlignmentStyler | | SimpleAlignmentStyler | NotPorted |
| URLGeneratorFactory | | IURLGeneratorFactory | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Das | |
| DAS | | DAS | NotPorted |
| DASLink | | DASLink | NotPorted |
| DASSequence | | DASSequence | NotPorted |
| DASSequenceDB | | DASSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| DASSequenceDBProvider | | DASSequenceDBProvider | NotPorted |
| DataSource | | DataSource | NotPorted |
| ReferenceServer | | ReferenceServer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Das.Dasalignment | |
| Alignment | | Alignment | NotPorted |
| DASAlignmentCall | | DASAlignmentCall | NotPorted |
| DASAlignmentClient | | DASAlignmentClient | NotPorted |
| DASAlignmentXMLResponseParser | | DASAlignmentXMLResponseParser | NotPorted |
| DASException | | DASException | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Das.Dasstructure | |
| DASStructureCall | | DASStructureCall | NotPorted |
| DASStructureXMLResponseParser | | DASStructureXMLResponseParser | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Formats | |
| Embl | | Embl | NotPorted |
| Enzyme | | Enzyme | NotPorted |
| Format | | IFormat | NotPorted |
| FormatTools | | FormatTools | NotPorted |
| Ligand | | Ligand | NotPorted |
| Ligand.Compound | | Ligand.Compound | NotPorted |
| Ligand.Enzyme | | Ligand.Enzyme | NotPorted |
| Ligand.Reaction | | Ligand.Reaction | NotPorted |
| Swissprot | | Swissprot | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Gff | |
| GFFDocumentHandler | | IGFFDocumentHandler | NotPorted |
| GFFEntrySet | | GFFEntrySet | NotPorted |
| GFFErrorHandler | | IGFFErrorHandler | NotPorted |
| GFFErrorHandler.AbortErrorHandler | | GFFErrorHandler.AbortErrorHandler | NotPorted |
| GFFErrorHandler.SkipRecordErrorHandler | | GFFErrorHandler.SkipRecordErrorHandler | NotPorted |
| GFFFilterer | | GFFFilterer | NotPorted |
| GFFParser | | GFFParser | NotPorted |
| GFFRecord | | IGFFRecord | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter | | IGFFRecordFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.AcceptAll | | GFFRecordFilter.AcceptAll | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.FeatureFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.FeatureFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.FrameFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.FrameFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.NotFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.NotFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.SequenceFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.SequenceFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.SourceFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.SourceFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFRecordFilter.StrandFilter | | GFFRecordFilter.StrandFilter | NotPorted |
| GFFTools | | GFFTools | NotPorted |
| GFFWriter | | GFFWriter | NotPorted |
| IgnoreRecordException | | IgnoreRecordException | NotPorted |
| SequencesAsGFF | | SequencesAsGFF | NotPorted |
| SimpleGFFRecord | | SimpleGFFRecord | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Gff3 | |
| GFF3DocumentHandler | | IGFF3DocumentHandler | NotPorted |
| GFF3Parser | | GFF3Parser | NotPorted |
| GFF3Record | | IGFF3Record | NotPorted |
| GFF3Record.Impl | | GFF3Record.Impl | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Hmmer | |
| FullHmmerProfileHMM | | FullHmmerProfileHMM | NotPorted |
| HmmerProfileHMM | | HmmerProfileHMM | NotPorted |
| HmmerProfileParser | | HmmerProfileParser | NotPorted |
| ProfileEmissionState | | ProfileEmissionState | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Homologene | |
| AbstractOrthologueSet | | AbstractOrthologueSet | NotPorted |
| AbstractOrthoPairCollection | | AbstractOrthoPairCollection | NotPorted |
| AbstractOrthoPairSet | | AbstractOrthoPairSet | NotPorted |
| DuplicateTaxonException | | DuplicateTaxonException | NotPorted |
| HomologeneBuilder | | IHomologeneBuilder | NotPorted |
| HomologeneDB | | IHomologeneDB | NotPorted |
| HomologeneTools | | HomologeneTools | NotPorted |
| Orthologue | | IOrthologue | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter | | IOrthologueFilter | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.AcceptAll | | OrthologueFilter.AcceptAll | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.And | | OrthologueFilter.And | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByAccession | | OrthologueFilter.ByAccession | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByHomologeneID | | OrthologueFilter.ByHomologeneID | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByLocusID | | OrthologueFilter.ByLocusID | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByTaxon | | OrthologueFilter.ByTaxon | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByTaxonID | | OrthologueFilter.ByTaxonID | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.ByTitle | | OrthologueFilter.ByTitle | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.Not | | OrthologueFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.Or | | OrthologueFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| OrthologueFilter.Xor | | OrthologueFilter.Xor | NotPorted |
| OrthologueSet | | IOrthologueSet | NotPorted |
| OrthologueSet.Iterator | | OrthologueSet.IIterator | NotPorted |
| OrthoPair | | IOrthoPair | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairCollection | | IOrthoPairCollection | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairCollection.Iterator | | OrthoPairCollection.IIterator | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter | | IOrthoPairFilter | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.AcceptAll | | OrthoPairFilter.AcceptAll | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.And | | OrthoPairFilter.And | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.ByMaxIdentity | | OrthoPairFilter.ByMaxIdentity | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.ByMinIdentity | | OrthoPairFilter.ByMinIdentity | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.ByRef | | OrthoPairFilter.ByRef | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.BySimilarityType | | OrthoPairFilter.BySimilarityType | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.Not | | OrthoPairFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.Or | | OrthoPairFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairFilter.Xor | | OrthoPairFilter.Xor | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSet | | IOrthoPairSet | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSet.Iterator | | OrthoPairSet.IIterator | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter | | IOrthoPairSetFilter | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.AcceptAll | | OrthoPairSetFilter.AcceptAll | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.AllPairsInCollection | | OrthoPairSetFilter.AllPairsInCollection | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.And | | OrthoPairSetFilter.And | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.ByMinIdentity | | OrthoPairSetFilter.ByMinIdentity | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.ByTaxon | | OrthoPairSetFilter.ByTaxon | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.Not | | OrthoPairSetFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.Or | | OrthoPairSetFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.SomePairsInCollection | | OrthoPairSetFilter.SomePairsInCollection | NotPorted |
| OrthoPairSetFilter.Xor | | OrthoPairSetFilter.Xor | NotPorted |
| SimilarityType | | ISimilarityType | NotPorted |
| SimilarityType.PlaceHolder | | SimilarityType.PlaceHolder | NotPorted |
| SimpleHomologeneBuilder | | SimpleHomologeneBuilder | NotPorted |
| SimpleHomologeneDB | | SimpleHomologeneDB | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrthologue | | SimpleOrthologue | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrthologueSet | | SimpleOrthologueSet | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrthoPair | | SimpleOrthoPair | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrthoPairCollection | | SimpleOrthoPairCollection | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrthoPairSet | | SimpleOrthoPairSet | NotPorted |
| Taxon | | ITaxon | NotPorted |
| Taxon.TaxonStub | | Taxon.TaxonStub | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Indexdb | |
| BioStore | | BioStore | NotPorted |
| BioStoreFactory | | BioStoreFactory | NotPorted |
| IndexStore | | IIndexStore | NotPorted |
| IndexTools | | IndexTools | NotPorted |
| Record | | IRecord | NotPorted |
| Record.Impl | | Record.Impl | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Phred | |
| PhredFormat | | PhredFormat | NotPorted |
| PhredSequence | | PhredSequence | NotPorted |
| PhredTools | | PhredTools | NotPorted |
| Qualitative | | IQualitative | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Sax | |
| BlastLikeSAXParser | | BlastLikeSAXParser | NotPorted |
| ClustalWAlignmentSAXParser | | ClustalWAlignmentSAXParser | NotPorted |
| FastaSearchSAXParser | | FastaSearchSAXParser | NotPorted |
| FastaSequenceSAXParser | | FastaSequenceSAXParser | NotPorted |
| PdbSAXParser | | PdbSAXParser | NotPorted |
| SequenceAlignmentSAXParser | | SequenceAlignmentSAXParser | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Sax.Blastxml | |
| BlastXMLParser | | BlastXMLParser | NotPorted |
| BlastXMLParserFacade | | BlastXMLParserFacade | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Scf | |
| SCF | | SCF | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Ssaha | |
| CompactedDataStore | | CompactedDataStore | NotPorted |
| CompactedDataStoreFactory | | CompactedDataStoreFactory | NotPorted |
| DataStore | | IDataStore | NotPorted |
| DataStoreFactory | | IDataStoreFactory | NotPorted |
| HitMerger | | HitMerger | NotPorted |
| MappedDataStoreFactory | | MappedDataStoreFactory | NotPorted |
| NIODataStoreFactory | | NIODataStoreFactory | NotPorted |
| SearchException | | SearchException | NotPorted |
| SearchListener | | ISearchListener | NotPorted |
| SearchListener.Echo | | SearchListener.Echo | NotPorted |
| SearchListener.FilterByLength | | SearchListener.FilterByLength | NotPorted |
| SearchListener.Tee | | SearchListener.Tee | NotPorted |
| SearchListener.Wrapper | | SearchListener.Wrapper | NotPorted |
| SequenceStreamer | | ISequenceStreamer | NotPorted |
| SequenceStreamer.FileStreamer | | SequenceStreamer.FileStreamer | NotPorted |
| SequenceStreamer.SequenceDBStreamer | | SequenceStreamer.SequenceDBStreamer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Ssbind | |
| AlignmentStAXHandler | | AlignmentStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| AlphabetResolver | | AlphabetResolver | NotPorted |
| AnnotationFactory | | AnnotationFactory | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeHomologyBuilder | | BlastLikeHomologyBuilder | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchBuilder | | BlastLikeSearchBuilder | NotPorted |
| HeaderStAXHandler | | HeaderStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| HitStAXHandler | | HitStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| HSPStAXHandler | | HSPStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| HSPSummaryStAXHandler | | HSPSummaryStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilarityAdapter | | SeqSimilarityAdapter | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter | | SeqSimilarityStAXAdapter | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilarityStAXHandler | | SeqSimilarityStAXHandler | NotPorted |
| SimilarityPairBuilder | | SimilarityPairBuilder | NotPorted |
| StAXHandlerBinding | | StAXHandlerBinding | NotPorted |
| StAXHandlerFactory | | IStAXHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| ViewSequenceFactory | | ViewSequenceFactory | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Tagvalue | |
| AbstractWrapper | | AbstractWrapper | NotPorted |
| Aggregator | | Aggregator | NotPorted |
| AnnotationBuilder | | AnnotationBuilder | NotPorted |
| BoundaryFinder | | IBoundaryFinder | NotPorted |
| ChangeTable | | ChangeTable | Partial |
| ChangeTable.ChainedChanger | | ChangeTable.ChainedChanger | NotPorted |
| ChangeTable.Changer | | ChangeTable.IChanger | Complete |
| ChangeTable.Splitter | | ChangeTable.ISplitter | Complete |
| Echo | | Echo | NotPorted |
| Formats | | Formats | NotPorted |
| Index2Model | | Index2Model | NotPorted |
| Indexer | | Indexer | NotPorted |
| Indexer2 | | Indexer2 | NotPorted |
| LineSplitParser | | LineSplitParser | Complete |
| MultiTagger | | MultiTagger | NotPorted |
| Parser | | Parser | Complete |
| ParserListener | | ParserListener | NotPorted |
| PropertyChanger | | IPropertyChanger | NotPorted |
| RegexChanger | | RegexChanger | NotPorted |
| RegexFieldFinder | | RegexFieldFinder | NotPorted |
| RegexParser | | RegexParser | NotPorted |
| RegexSplitter | | RegexSplitter | Complete |
| SimpleTagValueWrapper | | SimpleTagValueWrapper | Complete |
| StateMachine | | StateMachine | NotPorted |
| StateMachine.ExitNotification | | StateMachine.IExitNotification | NotPorted |
| StateMachine.State | | StateMachine.IState | NotPorted |
| TagDelegator | | TagDelegator | NotPorted |
| TagDropper | | TagDropper | Complete |
| TagMapper | | TagMapper | NotPorted |
| TagRenamer | | TagRenamer | NotPorted |
| TagValue | | TagValue | Complete |
| TagValueContext | | ITagValueContext | Complete |
| TagValueListener | | ITagValueListener | Complete |
| TagValueParser | | ITagValueParser | Complete |
| TagValueWrapper | | ITagValueWrapper | Complete |
| ValueChanger | | ValueChanger | Complete | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Unigene | |
| FlatFileUnigeneFactory | | FlatFileUnigeneFactory | NotPorted |
| SQLUnigeneFactory | | SQLUnigeneFactory | NotPorted |
| UnigeneCluster | | IUnigeneCluster | NotPorted |
| UnigeneDB | | IUnigeneDB | NotPorted |
| UnigeneFactory | | IUnigeneFactory | NotPorted |
| UnigeneTools | | UnigeneTools | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Xff | |
| BasicXFFHelper | | BasicXFFHelper | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer | | IElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | | ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | | ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | | ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | | ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | NotPorted |
| FeatureHandler | | FeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| LocationHandlerBase | | LocationHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| PropDetailHandler | | PropDetailHandler | NotPorted |
| PropertyWriter | | PropertyWriter | NotPorted |
| StrandedFeatureHandler | | StrandedFeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| XFFFeatureSetHandler | | XFFFeatureSetHandler | NotPorted |
| XFFHelper | | IXFFHelper | NotPorted |
| XFFPartHandlerFactory | | IXFFPartHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| XFFTools | | XFFTools | NotPorted |
| XFFWriter | | XFFWriter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Program.Xml | |
| BaseXMLWriter | | BaseXMLWriter | NotPorted |
| SimpleXMLEmitter | | SimpleXMLEmitter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Proteomics | |
| Digest | | Digest | NotPorted |
| IsoelectricPointCalc | | IsoelectricPointCalc | NotPorted |
| MassCalc | | MassCalc | NotPorted |
| Protease | | Protease | NotPorted |
| ProteaseManager | | ProteaseManager | NotPorted |
| StructureTools | | StructureTools | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Proteomics.Aaindex | |
| AAindex | | AAindex | NotPorted |
| AAindexStreamReader | | AAindexStreamReader | NotPorted |
| SimpleSymbolPropertyTableDB | | SimpleSymbolPropertyTableDB | NotPorted |
| SymbolPropertyTableDB | | ISymbolPropertyTableDB | NotPorted |
| SymbolPropertyTableIterator | | ISymbolPropertyTableIterator | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Search | |
| BioMatcher | | IBioMatcher | NotPorted |
| BioPattern | | IBioPattern | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter | | IBlastLikeSearchFilter | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.AbstractBlastLikeSearchFilter | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.AbstractBlastLikeSearchFilter | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.And | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.And | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.ByHitProperty | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.ByHitProperty | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySearchProperty | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySearchProperty | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySubHitProperty | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.BySubHitProperty | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.Node | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.INode | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.Not | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| BlastLikeSearchFilter.Or | | BlastLikeSearchFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| FilteringContentHandler | | FilteringContentHandler | NotPorted |
| FilterTest | | IFilterTest | NotPorted |
| FilterTest.Equals | | FilterTest.Equals | NotPorted |
| FilterTest.FindRegex | | FilterTest.FindRegex | NotPorted |
| FilterTest.GreaterThan | | FilterTest.GreaterThan | NotPorted |
| FilterTest.LessThan | | FilterTest.LessThan | NotPorted |
| FilterTest.MatchRegex | | FilterTest.MatchRegex | NotPorted |
| KnuthMorrisPrattSearch | | KnuthMorrisPrattSearch | Complete |
| MaxMismatchMatcher | | MaxMismatchMatcher | NotPorted |
| MaxMismatchPattern | | MaxMismatchPattern | NotPorted |
| SearchBuilder | | ISearchBuilder | NotPorted |
| SearchContentAdapter | | SearchContentAdapter | NotPorted |
| SearchContentFilter | | SearchContentFilter | NotPorted |
| SearchContentHandler | | ISearchContentHandler | NotPorted |
| SearchContentHandlerDebugger | | SearchContentHandlerDebugger | NotPorted |
| SeqContentPattern | | SeqContentPattern | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearcher | | ISeqSimilaritySearcher | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchHit | | ISeqSimilaritySearchHit | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchHit.ByScoreComparator | | SeqSimilaritySearchHit.ByScoreComparator | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchHit.BySubHitCountComparator | | SeqSimilaritySearchHit.BySubHitCountComparator | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchResult | | ISeqSimilaritySearchResult | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit | | ISeqSimilaritySearchSubHit | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.ByScoreComparator | | SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.ByScoreComparator | NotPorted |
| SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.BySubjectStartComparator | | SeqSimilaritySearchSubHit.BySubjectStartComparator | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBSearchHit | | SequenceDBSearchHit | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBSearchResult | | SequenceDBSearchResult | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBSearchSubHit | | SequenceDBSearchSubHit | NotPorted |
| SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit | | SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchHit | NotPorted |
| SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchResult | | SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchResult | NotPorted |
| SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchSubHit | | SimpleSeqSimilaritySearchSubHit | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq | |
| AbstractFeatureHolder | | AbstractFeatureHolder | Partial |
| ByLocationMinMaxComparator | | ByLocationMinMaxComparator | NotPorted |
| ByLocationMinMaxFeatureComparator | | ByLocationMinMaxFeatureComparator | NotPorted |
| CircularView | | CircularView | Stub |
| ComponentFeature | | IComponentFeature | NotPorted |
| ComponentFeature.Template | | ComponentFeature.Template | NotPorted |
| DNATools | | DNATools | Partial |
| Feature | | IFeature | Complete |
| Feature.ByLocationComparator | | Feature.ByLocationComparator | NotPorted |
| Feature.Template | | Feature.Template | Partial |
| FeatureFilter | | IFeatureFilter | Complete |
| FeatureFilter.And | | FeatureFilter.And | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.AnnotationContains | | FeatureFilter.AnnotationContains | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByAncestor | | FeatureFilter.ByAncestor | Stub |
| FeatureFilter.ByAnnotation | | FeatureFilter.ByAnnotation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByAnnotationType | | FeatureFilter.ByAnnotationType | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByChild | | FeatureFilter.ByChild | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByClass | | FeatureFilter.ByClass | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByComponentName | | FeatureFilter.ByComponentName | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByDescendant | | FeatureFilter.ByDescendant | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByFeature | | FeatureFilter.ByFeature | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByPairwiseScore | | FeatureFilter.ByPairwiseScore | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByParent | | FeatureFilter.ByParent | Stub |
| FeatureFilter.BySequenceName | | FeatureFilter.BySequenceName | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.BySource | | FeatureFilter.BySource | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ByType | | FeatureFilter.ByType | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ContainedByLocation | | FeatureFilter.ContainedByLocation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.FrameFilter | | FeatureFilter.FrameFilter | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.HasAnnotation | | FeatureFilter.HasAnnotation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.Not | | FeatureFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.OnlyChildren | | FeatureFilter.OnlyChildren | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.OnlyDescendants | | FeatureFilter.OnlyDescendants | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.Or | | FeatureFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.OverlapsLocation | | FeatureFilter.OverlapsLocation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ShadowContainedByLocation | | FeatureFilter.ShadowContainedByLocation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.ShadowOverlapsLocation | | FeatureFilter.ShadowOverlapsLocation | NotPorted |
| FeatureFilter.StrandFilter | | FeatureFilter.StrandFilter | NotPorted |
| FeatureHolder | | IFeatureHolder | Complete |
| FeatureHolder.EmptyFeatureHolder | | FeatureHolder.EmptyFeatureHolder | NotPorted |
| FeatureHolderUtils | | FeatureHolderUtils | NotPorted |
| FeatureRealizer | | IFeatureRealizer | Complete |
| FeatureTypes | | FeatureTypes | NotPorted |
| FeatureTypes.Repository | | FeatureTypes.IRepository | NotPorted |
| FeatureTypes.RepositoryImpl | | FeatureTypes.RepositoryImpl | NotPorted |
| FeatureTypes.Type | | FeatureTypes.IType | NotPorted |
| FilterUtils | | FilterUtils | NotPorted |
| FilterUtils.FilterTransformer | | FilterUtils.IFilterTransformer | NotPorted |
| Frame | | IFrame | Stub |
| FramedFeature | | IFramedFeature | Stub |
| FramedFeature.ReadingFrame | | FramedFeature.ReadingFrame | NotPorted |
| FramedFeature.Template | | FramedFeature.Template | Stub |
| GappedSequence | | IGappedSequence | NotPorted |
| GeneticCodes | | GeneticCodes | NotPorted |
| LazyFeatureHolder | | LazyFeatureHolder | NotPorted |
| MergeFeatureHolder | | MergeFeatureHolder | Partial |
| NewSimpleAssembly | | NewSimpleAssembly | NotPorted |
| NucleotideTools | | NucleotideTools | NotPorted |
| OptimizableFilter | | IOptimizableFilter | Complete |
| ProteinTools | | ProteinTools | Partial |
| RealizingFeatureHolder | | IRealizingFeatureHolder | Complete |
| RemoteFeature | | IRemoteFeature | Stub |
| RemoteFeature.Region | | RemoteFeature.Region | Complete |
| RemoteFeature.Resolver | | RemoteFeature.IResolver | NotPorted |
| RemoteFeature.Template | | RemoteFeature.Template | Complete |
| RNATools | | RNATools | Partial |
| Sequence | | ISequence | Complete |
| SequenceAnnotator | | ISequenceAnnotator | Complete |
| SequenceFactory | | ISequenceFactory | Complete |
| SequenceIterator | | ISequenceIterator | Complete |
| SequenceTools | | SequenceTools | Partial |
| SimpleAssembly | | SimpleAssembly | NotPorted |
| SimpleFeatureHolder | | SimpleFeatureHolder | Complete |
| SimpleFeatureRealizer | | SimpleFeatureRealizer | Complete |
| StrandedFeature | | IStrandedFeature | Complete |
| StrandedFeature.Strand | | StrandedFeature.Strand | Complete |
| StrandedFeature.Template | | StrandedFeature.Template | Complete |
| StrandParser | | StrandParser | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Db | |
| AbstractSequenceDB | | AbstractSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| AnnotatedSequenceDB | | AnnotatedSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| BioIndex | | BioIndex | NotPorted |
| CachingSequenceDB | | CachingSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| DummySequenceDB | | DummySequenceDB | NotPorted |
| DummySequenceDBInstallation | | DummySequenceDBInstallation | NotPorted |
| EmblCDROMIndexStore | | EmblCDROMIndexStore | NotPorted |
| FetchURL | | FetchURL | NotPorted |
| GenbankSequenceDB | | GenbankSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| GenpeptSequenceDB | | GenpeptSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| HashSequenceDB | | HashSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| IDMaker | | IIDMaker | NotPorted |
| IDMaker.ByName | | IDMaker.ByName | NotPorted |
| IDMaker.ByURN | | IDMaker.ByURN | NotPorted |
| IllegalIDException | | IllegalIDException | NotPorted |
| Index | | IIndex | NotPorted |
| IndexedSequenceDB | | IndexedSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| IndexStore | | IIndexStore | NotPorted |
| NCBISequenceDB | | NCBISequenceDB | NotPorted |
| SequenceDB | | ISequenceDB | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBInstallation | | ISequenceDBInstallation | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBLite | | ISequenceDBLite | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBWrapper | | SequenceDBWrapper | NotPorted |
| SimpleIndex | | SimpleIndex | NotPorted |
| SimpleSequenceDBInstallation | | SimpleSequenceDBInstallation | NotPorted |
| SubSequenceDB | | SubSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| SwissprotSequenceDB | | SwissprotSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| TabIndexStore | | TabIndexStore | NotPorted |
| ViewingSequenceDB | | ViewingSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| WebSequenceDB | | WebSequenceDB | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Db.Biofetch | |
| BioFetchSequenceDB | | BioFetchSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| BioFetchSequenceDBProvider | | BioFetchSequenceDBProvider | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Db.Biosql | |
| BioSQLSequenceDB | | BioSQLSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| BioSQLSequenceDBProvider | | BioSQLSequenceDBProvider | NotPorted |
| DBHelper | | DBHelper | NotPorted |
| DBHelper.BioSequenceStyle | | DBHelper.BioSequenceStyle | NotPorted |
| DBHelper.DeleteStyle | | DBHelper.DeleteStyle | NotPorted |
| DBHelper.JoinStyle | | DBHelper.JoinStyle | NotPorted |
| HypersonicDBHelper | | HypersonicDBHelper | NotPorted |
| MySQLDBHelper | | MySQLDBHelper | NotPorted |
| OracleDBHelper | | OracleDBHelper | NotPorted |
| PostgreSQLDBHelper | | PostgreSQLDBHelper | NotPorted |
| TaxonSQL | | TaxonSQL | NotPorted |
| UnknownDBHelper | | UnknownDBHelper | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Db.Emblcd | |
| AcnumHitReader | | AcnumHitReader | NotPorted |
| AcnumTrgReader | | AcnumTrgReader | NotPorted |
| DivisionLkpReader | | DivisionLkpReader | NotPorted |
| EmblCDROMIndexReader | | EmblCDROMIndexReader | NotPorted |
| EmblCDROMRandomAccess | | EmblCDROMRandomAccess | NotPorted |
| EntryNamIdxReader | | EntryNamIdxReader | NotPorted |
| EntryNamRandomAccess | | EntryNamRandomAccess | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Db.Flat | |
| FlatSequenceDB | | FlatSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| FlatSequenceDBProvider | | FlatSequenceDBProvider | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Distributed | |
| DistDataSource | | IDistDataSource | NotPorted |
| DistributedSequenceDB | | DistributedSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| GFFDataSource | | GFFDataSource | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBDataSource | | SequenceDBDataSource | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Filter | |
| FilterTransformer | | FilterTransformer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Homol | |
| Homology | | IHomology | NotPorted |
| HomologyDB | | IHomologyDB | NotPorted |
| HomologyFeature | | IHomologyFeature | Stub |
| HomologyFeature.Template | | HomologyFeature.Template | Stub |
| SimilarityPairFeature | | ISimilarityPairFeature | Stub |
| SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment | | SimilarityPairFeature.EmptyPairwiseAlignment | NotPorted |
| SimilarityPairFeature.Template | | SimilarityPairFeature.Template | Stub |
| SimpleHomology | | SimpleHomology | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Impl | |
| AssembledSymbolList | | AssembledSymbolList | NotPorted |
| DummySequence | | DummySequence | NotPorted |
| FeatureImpl | | FeatureImpl | Partial |
| LazyFilterFeatureHolder | | LazyFilterFeatureHolder | NotPorted |
| NewAssembledSymbolList | | NewAssembledSymbolList | NotPorted |
| RevCompSequence | | RevCompSequence | NotPorted |
| SimpleFeature | | SimpleFeature | Partial |
| SimpleFramedFeature | | SimpleFramedFeature | Stub |
| SimpleGappedSequence | | SimpleGappedSequence | NotPorted |
| SimpleHomologyFeature | | SimpleHomologyFeature | Stub |
| SimpleRemoteFeature | | SimpleRemoteFeature | Stub |
| SimpleRemoteFeature.DBResolver | | SimpleRemoteFeature.DBResolver | NotPorted |
| SimpleRestrictionSite | | SimpleRestrictionSite | Complete |
| SimpleSequence | | SimpleSequence | Partial |
| SimpleSequenceFactory | | SimpleSequenceFactory | Complete |
| SimpleSimilarityPairFeature | | SimpleSimilarityPairFeature | Stub |
| SimpleStrandedFeature | | SimpleStrandedFeature | Complete |
| SubSequence | | SubSequence | NotPorted |
| SubSequence.SubProjectedFeatureContext | | SubSequence.SubProjectedFeatureContext | NotPorted |
| TemplateUtils | | TemplateUtils | NotPorted |
| ViewSequence | | ViewSequence | Partial | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.IO | |
| AlignIOConstants | | AlignIOConstants | NotPorted |
| AlignmentFormat | | IAlignmentFormat | NotPorted |
| AlternateTokenization | | AlternateTokenization | Partial |
| CharacterTokenization | | CharacterTokenization | Complete |
| ChunkedSymbolListFactory | | ChunkedSymbolListFactory | Complete |
| CrossProductTokenization | | CrossProductTokenization | NotPorted |
| DoubleTokenization | | DoubleTokenization | NotPorted |
| EmblFileFormer | | EmblFileFormer | NotPorted |
| EmblLikeFormat | | EmblLikeFormat | NotPorted |
| EmblLikeLocationParser | | EmblLikeLocationParser | Complete |
| EmblProcessor | | EmblProcessor | NotPorted |
| EmblProcessor.Factory | | EmblProcessor.Factory | NotPorted |
| EmblReferenceComparator | | EmblReferenceComparator | NotPorted |
| FastaAlignmentFormat | | FastaAlignmentFormat | NotPorted |
| FastaDescriptionLineParser | | FastaDescriptionLineParser | NotPorted |
| FastaDescriptionLineParser.Factory | | FastaDescriptionLineParser.Factory | NotPorted |
| FastaFormat | | FastaFormat | NotPorted |
| FeatureTableParser | | FeatureTableParser | Complete |
| GAMEFormat | | GAMEFormat | NotPorted |
| GenbankFileFormer | | GenbankFileFormer | NotPorted |
| GenbankFormat | | GenbankFormat | Partial |
| GenbankProcessor | | GenbankProcessor | Complete |
| GenbankProcessor.Factory | | GenbankProcessor.Factory | Complete |
| GenbankXmlFormat | | GenbankXmlFormat | NotPorted |
| GenEmblFeatureComparator | | GenEmblFeatureComparator | NotPorted |
| GenEmblPropertyComparator | | GenEmblPropertyComparator | NotPorted |
| GenpeptFormat | | GenpeptFormat | NotPorted |
| IntegerTokenization | | IntegerTokenization | NotPorted |
| MSFAlignmentFormat | | MSFAlignmentFormat | NotPorted |
| NameTokenization | | NameTokenization | Partial |
| OrganismParser | | OrganismParser | NotPorted |
| OrganismParser.Factory | | OrganismParser.Factory | NotPorted |
| ParseException | | ParseException | Complete |
| ProteinRefSeqFileFormer | | ProteinRefSeqFileFormer | NotPorted |
| ProteinRefSeqProcessor | | ProteinRefSeqProcessor | NotPorted |
| ProteinRefSeqProcessor.Factory | | ProteinRefSeqProcessor.Factory | NotPorted |
| ReferenceAnnotation | | ReferenceAnnotation | NotPorted |
| SeqFileFormer | | ISeqFileFormer | NotPorted |
| SeqIOAdapter | | SeqIOAdapter | NotPorted |
| SeqIOConstants | | SeqIOConstants | NotPorted |
| SeqIOEventEmitter | | SeqIOEventEmitter | NotPorted |
| SeqIOFilter | | SeqIOFilter | NotPorted |
| SeqIOListener | | ISeqIOListener | Complete |
| SeqIOTools | | SeqIOTools | Partial |
| SequenceBuilder | | ISequenceBuilder | Complete |
| SequenceBuilderBase | | SequenceBuilderBase | Complete |
| SequenceBuilderFactory | | ISequenceBuilderFactory | Complete |
| SequenceBuilderFilter | | SequenceBuilderFilter | Complete |
| SequenceDBSequenceBuilder | | SequenceDBSequenceBuilder | NotPorted |
| SequenceFormat | | ISequenceFormat | Complete |
| SimpleAssemblyBuilder | | SimpleAssemblyBuilder | NotPorted |
| SimpleSequenceBuilder | | SimpleSequenceBuilder | NotPorted |
| SmartSequenceBuilder | | SmartSequenceBuilder | Complete |
| StreamParser | | IStreamParser | Complete |
| StreamReader | | StreamReader | Complete |
| StreamWriter | | StreamWriter | NotPorted |
| SubIntegerTokenization | | SubIntegerTokenization | NotPorted |
| SwissprotFileFormer | | SwissprotFileFormer | NotPorted |
| SwissprotProcessor | | SwissprotProcessor | NotPorted |
| SwissprotProcessor.Factory | | SwissprotProcessor.Factory | NotPorted |
| SymbolListCharSequence | | SymbolListCharSequence | NotPorted |
| SymbolReader | | ISymbolReader | NotPorted |
| SymbolTokenization | | ISymbolTokenization | Complete |
| SymbolTokenization.TokenType | | SymbolTokenization.TokenType | Complete |
| WordTokenization | | WordTokenization | Complete | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.IO.Agave | |
| Agave2AgaveAnnotFilter | | Agave2AgaveAnnotFilter | NotPorted |
| AGAVEAltIdsPropHandler | | AGAVEAltIdsPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEAnnotationsHandler | | AGAVEAnnotationsHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEAnnotFilter | | IAGAVEAnnotFilter | NotPorted |
| AGAVEAnnotFilterFactory | | IAGAVEAnnotFilterFactory | NotPorted |
| AGAVEAssemblyHandler | | AGAVEAssemblyHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEBioSeqCallbackItf | | IAGAVEBioSeqCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEBioSeqHandler | | AGAVEBioSeqHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEBioSequenceHandler | | AGAVEBioSequenceHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVECallbackItf | | IAGAVECallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVECdsHandler | | AGAVECdsHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEChromosomeCallbackItf | | IAGAVEChromosomeCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEChromosomeHandler | | AGAVEChromosomeHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEClassificationHandler | | AGAVEClassificationHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVECompResultHandler | | AGAVECompResultHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEComputationHandler | | AGAVEComputationHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEContigCallbackItf | | IAGAVEContigCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEContigHandler | | AGAVEContigHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEDbId | | AGAVEDbId | NotPorted |
| AGAVEDbIdCallbackItf | | IAGAVEDbIdCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEDbIdPropCallbackItf | | IAGAVEDbIdPropCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEDbIdPropHandler | | AGAVEDbIdPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEDescPropHandler | | AGAVEDescPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEElementIdPropHandler | | AGAVEElementIdPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEEvidenceCallbackItf | | IAGAVEEvidenceCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEEvidenceHandler | | AGAVEEvidenceHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEExonsPropHandler | | AGAVEExonsPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEFeatureCallbackItf | | IAGAVEFeatureCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEFragmentOrderHandler | | AGAVEFragmentOrderHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEFragmentOrientationHandler | | AGAVEFragmentOrientationHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEGeneHandler | | AGAVEGeneHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEHandler | | AGAVEHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEIdAlias | | AGAVEIdAlias | NotPorted |
| AGAVEIdAliasCallbackItf | | IAGAVEIdAliasCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEIdAliasPropHandler | | AGAVEIdAliasPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEKeywordPropHandler | | AGAVEKeywordPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMapLocation | | AGAVEMapLocation | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMapLocationPropHandler | | AGAVEMapLocationPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMapPosition | | AGAVEMapPosition | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMapPositionPropHandler | | AGAVEMapPositionPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMatchAlignPropHandler | | AGAVEMatchAlignPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMatchDescPropHandler | | AGAVEMatchDescPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMatchRegion | | AGAVEMatchRegion | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMatchRegionPropHandler | | AGAVEMatchRegionPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEMrnaHandler | | AGAVEMrnaHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVENotePropHandler | | AGAVENotePropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEPredictedProteinHandler | | AGAVEPredictedProteinHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEProperty | | AGAVEProperty | NotPorted |
| AGAVEQualifierPropHandler | | AGAVEQualifierPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEQueryRegion | | AGAVEQueryRegion | NotPorted |
| AGAVEQueryRegionPropHandler | | AGAVEQueryRegionPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVERelatedAnnot | | AGAVERelatedAnnot | NotPorted |
| AGAVERelatedAnnotPropHandler | | AGAVERelatedAnnotPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEResultGroupHandler | | AGAVEResultGroupHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEResultPropertyPropHandler | | AGAVEResultPropertyPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVESciPropertyPropHandler | | AGAVESciPropertyPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVESeqFeatureHandler | | AGAVESeqFeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVESeqLocationPropHandler | | AGAVESeqLocationPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVESeqMapHandler | | AGAVESeqMapHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVESeqPropHandler | | AGAVESeqPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVETranscriptHandler | | AGAVETranscriptHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEUnorderedFragmentsHandler | | AGAVEUnorderedFragmentsHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEViewPropHandler | | AGAVEViewPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AgaveWriter | | AgaveWriter | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXref | | AGAVEXref | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXrefCallbackItf | | IAGAVEXrefCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXrefPropHandler | | AGAVEXrefPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXrefPropPropHandler | | AGAVEXrefPropPropHandler | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXrefs | | AGAVEXrefs | NotPorted |
| AGAVEXrefsPropHandler | | AGAVEXrefsPropHandler | NotPorted |
| DelegationManager | | IDelegationManager | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer | | IElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | | ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | | ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | | ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | | ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | NotPorted |
| Embl2AgaveAnnotFilter | | Embl2AgaveAnnotFilter | NotPorted |
| SAX2StAXAdaptor | | SAX2StAXAdaptor | NotPorted |
| SequenceHandler | | ISequenceHandler | NotPorted |
| SimpleAnnotFilter | | SimpleAnnotFilter | NotPorted |
| StAXContentHandler | | IStAXContentHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXContentHandlerBase | | StAXContentHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| StAXFeatureHandler | | StAXFeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXHandlerFactory | | IStAXHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| StAXPropertyHandler | | StAXPropertyHandler | NotPorted |
| UtilHelper | | UtilHelper | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.IO.Filterxml | |
| XMLAnnotationTypeHandler | | XMLAnnotationTypeHandler | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandler | | XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.ICollectionConstraintHandler | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.CollectionConstraintHandlerFactory | | XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.ICollectionConstraintHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandler | | XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.IPropertyConstraintHandler | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.PropertyConstraintHandlerFactory | | XMLAnnotationTypeHandler.IPropertyConstraintHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeWriter | | XMLAnnotationTypeWriter | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLCollectionConstraintWriter | | XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.IXMLCollectionConstraintWriter | NotPorted |
| XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.XMLPropertyConstraintWriter | | XMLAnnotationTypeWriter.IXMLPropertyConstraintWriter | NotPorted |
| XMLFilterHandler | | XMLFilterHandler | NotPorted |
| XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandler | | XMLFilterHandler.IFilterHandler | NotPorted |
| XMLFilterHandler.FilterHandlerFactory | | XMLFilterHandler.IFilterHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| XMLFilterWriter | | XMLFilterWriter | NotPorted |
| XMLFilterWriter.FilterWriter | | XMLFilterWriter.IFilterWriter | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.IO.Game | |
| ElementRecognizer | | IElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | | ElementRecognizer.AllElementRecognizer | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | | ElementRecognizer.ByLocalName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | | ElementRecognizer.ByNSName | NotPorted |
| ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | | ElementRecognizer.HasAttribute | NotPorted |
| GAMEAnnotationHandler | | GAMEAnnotationHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEAspectPropHandler | | GAMEAspectPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEDbxrefPropHandler | | GAMEDbxrefPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEDescriptionPropHandler | | GAMEDescriptionPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureCallbackItf | | IGAMEFeatureCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureSetHandler | | GAMEFeatureSetHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureSetPropHandler | | GAMEFeatureSetPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureSpanHandler | | GAMEFeatureSpanHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEGenePropHandler | | GAMEGenePropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEHandler | | GAMEHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEMapPosPropHandler | | GAMEMapPosPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMENameCallbackItf | | IGAMENameCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| GAMENamePropHandler | | GAMENamePropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEResiduesPropHandler | | GAMEResiduesPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESeqPropHandler | | GAMESeqPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESeqRelPropHandler | | GAMESeqRelPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESpanPropHandler | | GAMESpanPropHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMETranscriptCallbackItf | | IGAMETranscriptCallbackItf | NotPorted |
| GAMETypePropHandler | | GAMETypePropHandler | NotPorted |
| SequenceContentHandlerBase | | SequenceContentHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| StAXFeatureHandler | | StAXFeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXHandlerFactory | | IStAXHandlerFactory | NotPorted |
| StAXPropertyHandler | | StAXPropertyHandler | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.IO.Game12 | |
| GAMEAnnotationHandler | | GAMEAnnotationHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEAspectHandler | | GAMEAspectHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEDbxrefHandler | | GAMEDbxrefHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureSetHandler | | GAMEFeatureSetHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEFeatureSpanHandler | | GAMEFeatureSpanHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEGeneHandler | | GAMEGeneHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEHandler | | GAMEHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMEPropertyHandler | | GAMEPropertyHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESeqHandler | | GAMESeqHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESeqRelHandler | | GAMESeqRelHandler | NotPorted |
| GAMESpanHandler | | GAMESpanHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXFeatureHandler | | StAXFeatureHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXHandlerFactory | | IStAXHandlerFactory | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Seq.Projection | |
| ProjectedFeature | | ProjectedFeature | Partial |
| ProjectedFeatureHolder | | ProjectedFeatureHolder | Complete |
| Projection | | IProjection | Complete |
| ProjectionContext | | IProjectionContext | Complete |
| ProjectionEngine | | ProjectionEngine | Partial |
| ProjectionEngine.Instantiator | | ProjectionEngine.IInstantiator | NotPorted |
| ProjectionEngine.TemplateProjector | | ProjectionEngine.ITemplateProjector | NotPorted |
| ProjectionUtils | | ProjectionUtils | NotPorted |
| ReparentContext | | ReparentContext | Partial |
| TranslateFlipContext | | TranslateFlipContext | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure | |
| AlphaCTools | | AlphaCTools | NotPorted |
| AminoAcid | | IAminoAcid | NotPorted |
| AminoAcidImpl | | AminoAcidImpl | NotPorted |
| Atom | | IAtom | NotPorted |
| AtomImpl | | AtomImpl | NotPorted |
| AtomIterator | | AtomIterator | NotPorted |
| Calc | | Calc | NotPorted |
| Chain | | IChain | NotPorted |
| ChainImpl | | ChainImpl | NotPorted |
| Compound | | Compound | NotPorted |
| DBRef | | DBRef | NotPorted |
| Group | | IGroup | NotPorted |
| GroupIterator | | GroupIterator | NotPorted |
| HetatomImpl | | HetatomImpl | NotPorted |
| Mutator | | Mutator | NotPorted |
| NucleotideImpl | | NucleotideImpl | NotPorted |
| PDBHeader | | PDBHeader | NotPorted |
| SSBond | | SSBond | NotPorted |
| StandardAminoAcid | | StandardAminoAcid | NotPorted |
| Structure | | IStructure | NotPorted |
| StructureException | | StructureException | NotPorted |
| StructureImpl | | StructureImpl | NotPorted |
| StructureTools | | StructureTools | NotPorted |
| SVDSuperimposer | | SVDSuperimposer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Align | |
| ClusterAltAligs | | ClusterAltAligs | NotPorted |
| StrucAligParameters | | StrucAligParameters | NotPorted |
| StructurePairAligner | | StructurePairAligner | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Align.Helper | |
| AligMatEl | | AligMatEl | NotPorted |
| AlignTools | | AlignTools | NotPorted |
| GapArray | | GapArray | NotPorted |
| IndexPair | | IndexPair | NotPorted |
| JointFragments | | JointFragments | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Align.Pairwise | |
| Alignable | | IAlignable | NotPorted |
| AligNPE | | AligNPE | NotPorted |
| AltAligComparator | | AltAligComparator | NotPorted |
| AlternativeAlignment | | AlternativeAlignment | NotPorted |
| FragmentJoiner | | FragmentJoiner | NotPorted |
| FragmentPair | | FragmentPair | NotPorted |
| Gotoh | | Gotoh | NotPorted |
| StrCompAlignment | | StrCompAlignment | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Gui | |
| BiojavaJmol | | BiojavaJmol | NotPorted |
| JMatrixPanel | | JMatrixPanel | NotPorted |
| RasmolCommandListener | | RasmolCommandListener | NotPorted |
| ScaleableMatrixPanel | | ScaleableMatrixPanel | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.IO | |
| CAConverter | | CAConverter | NotPorted |
| DASStructureClient | | DASStructureClient | NotPorted |
| FileConvert | | FileConvert | NotPorted |
| PDBFileParser | | PDBFileParser | NotPorted |
| PDBFileReader | | PDBFileReader | NotPorted |
| PDBMSDReader | | PDBMSDReader | NotPorted |
| PDBParseException | | PDBParseException | NotPorted |
| PDBSRSReader | | PDBSRSReader | NotPorted |
| SeqRes2AtomAligner | | SeqRes2AtomAligner | NotPorted |
| StructureIO | | IStructureIO | NotPorted |
| StructureIOFile | | IStructureIOFile | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Jama | |
| CholeskyDecomposition | | CholeskyDecomposition | NotPorted |
| EigenvalueDecomposition | | EigenvalueDecomposition | NotPorted |
| LUDecomposition | | LUDecomposition | NotPorted |
| Maths | | Maths | NotPorted |
| Matrix | | Matrix | NotPorted |
| QRDecomposition | | QRDecomposition | NotPorted |
| SingularValueDecomposition | | SingularValueDecomposition | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Structure.Server | |
| DemoStructureServer | | DemoStructureServer | NotPorted |
| FlatFileInstallation | | FlatFileInstallation | NotPorted |
| PDBFilter | | IPDBFilter | NotPorted |
| PDBInstallation | | IPDBInstallation | NotPorted |
| PrepareIndexFile | | PrepareIndexFile | NotPorted |
| SimpleStructureServer | | SimpleStructureServer | NotPorted |
| StructureEvent | | IStructureEvent | NotPorted |
| StructureEventImpl | | StructureEventImpl | NotPorted |
| StructureFetcherRunnable | | StructureFetcherRunnable | NotPorted |
| StructureListener | | IStructureListener | NotPorted |
| StructureServer | | IStructureServer | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Symbol | |
| AbstractAlphabet | | AbstractAlphabet | Partial |
| AbstractLocation | | AbstractLocation | Complete |
| AbstractLocationDecorator | | AbstractLocationDecorator | Complete |
| AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable | | AbstractManyToOneTranslationTable | Partial |
| AbstractRangeLocation | | AbstractRangeLocation | Partial |
| AbstractReversibleTranslationTable | | AbstractReversibleTranslationTable | Complete |
| AbstractSymbol | | AbstractSymbol | Complete |
| AbstractSymbolList | | AbstractSymbolList | Complete |
| Alignment | | IAlignment | Stub |
| Alignment.SymbolListIterator | | Alignment.SymbolListIterator | NotPorted |
| Alphabet | | IAlphabet | Complete |
| AlphabetIndex | | IAlphabetIndex | Complete |
| AlphabetManager | | AlphabetManager | Partial |
| AtomicSymbol | | IAtomicSymbol | Partial |
| BasisSymbol | | IBasisSymbol | Partial |
| BetweenLocation | | BetweenLocation | Complete |
| ChunkedSymbolList | | ChunkedSymbolList | Complete |
| CircularLocation | | CircularLocation | NotPorted |
| CodonPref | | ICodonPref | NotPorted |
| CodonPrefFilter | | ICodonPrefFilter | NotPorted |
| CodonPrefFilter.AcceptAll | | CodonPrefFilter.AcceptAll | NotPorted |
| CodonPrefFilter.ByName | | CodonPrefFilter.ByName | NotPorted |
| CodonPrefFilter.EverythingToXML | | CodonPrefFilter.EverythingToXML | NotPorted |
| CodonPrefTools | | CodonPrefTools | NotPorted |
| DNAAmbPack | | DNAAmbPack | Complete |
| DNANoAmbPack | | DNANoAmbPack | Complete |
| DoubleAlphabet | | DoubleAlphabet | NotPorted |
| DoubleAlphabet.DoubleRange | | DoubleAlphabet.DoubleRange | NotPorted |
| DoubleAlphabet.DoubleSymbol | | DoubleAlphabet.DoubleSymbol | NotPorted |
| DoubleAlphabet.SubDoubleAlphabet | | DoubleAlphabet.SubDoubleAlphabet | NotPorted |
| DummySymbolList | | DummySymbolList | NotPorted |
| Edit | | Edit | Complete |
| FiniteAlphabet | | IFiniteAlphabet | Partial |
| FundamentalAtomicSymbol | | FundamentalAtomicSymbol | Partial |
| FuzzyLocation | | FuzzyLocation | Complete |
| FuzzyLocation.RangeResolver | | FuzzyLocation.IRangeResolver | Complete |
| FuzzyPointLocation | | FuzzyPointLocation | Complete |
| FuzzyPointLocation.PointResolver | | FuzzyPointLocation.IPointResolver | Complete |
| GappedSymbolList | | IGappedSymbolList | NotPorted |
| IllegalAlphabetException | | IllegalAlphabetException | Complete |
| IllegalSymbolException | | IllegalSymbolException | Complete |
| IntegerAlphabet | | IntegerAlphabet | NotPorted |
| IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol | | IntegerAlphabet.IntegerSymbol | NotPorted |
| IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet | | IntegerAlphabet.SubIntegerAlphabet | NotPorted |
| Location | | ILocation | Partial |
| LocationTools | | LocationTools | Partial |
| ManyToOneTranslationTable | | IManyToOneTranslationTable | Complete |
| MergeLocation | | MergeLocation | NotPorted |
| MotifTools | | MotifTools | Partial |
| PackedSymbolList | | PackedSymbolList | Partial |
| PackedSymbolListFactory | | PackedSymbolListFactory | Complete |
| Packing | | IPacking | Complete |
| PackingFactory | | PackingFactory | Complete |
| PointLocation | | PointLocation | Complete |
| RangeLocation | | RangeLocation | Complete |
| RelabeledAlignment | | RelabeledAlignment | NotPorted |
| ReversibleTranslationTable | | IReversibleTranslationTable | Complete |
| SimpleAlignment | | SimpleAlignment | NotPorted |
| SimpleAlphabet | | SimpleAlphabet | Partial |
| SimpleAtomicSymbol | | SimpleAtomicSymbol | Partial |
| SimpleCodonPref | | SimpleCodonPref | NotPorted |
| SimpleGappedSymbolList | | SimpleGappedSymbolList | NotPorted |
| SimpleGappedSymbolList.Block | | SimpleGappedSymbolList.Block | NotPorted |
| SimpleGeneticCodeTable | | SimpleGeneticCodeTable | Complete |
| SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable | | SimpleManyToOneTranslationTable | Complete |
| SimpleReversibleTranslationTable | | SimpleReversibleTranslationTable | Partial |
| SimpleSymbolList | | SimpleSymbolList | Complete |
| SimpleSymbolListFactory | | SimpleSymbolListFactory | Complete |
| SimpleSymbolPropertyTable | | SimpleSymbolPropertyTable | NotPorted |
| SimpleTranslationTable | | SimpleTranslationTable | NotPorted |
| SingletonAlphabet | | SingletonAlphabet | Partial |
| SoftMaskedAlphabet | | SoftMaskedAlphabet | NotPorted |
| SoftMaskedAlphabet.MaskingDetector | | SoftMaskedAlphabet.IMaskingDetector | NotPorted |
| SuffixTree | | SuffixTree | NotPorted |
| SuffixTree.SuffixNode | | SuffixTree.SuffixNode | NotPorted |
| Symbol | | ISymbol | Complete |
| SymbolList | | ISymbolList | Complete |
| SymbolListFactory | | ISymbolListFactory | Complete |
| SymbolListViews | | SymbolListViews | Partial |
| SymbolPropertyTable | | ISymbolPropertyTable | NotPorted |
| TranslationTable | | ITranslationTable | Complete |
| UkkonenSuffixTree | | UkkonenSuffixTree | NotPorted |
| UkkonenSuffixTree.SuffixNode | | UkkonenSuffixTree.SuffixNode | NotPorted |
| WobbleDistribution | | IWobbleDistribution | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Symbol.SoftMaskedAlphabet | |
| MaskingDetector.DefaultMaskingDetector | | MaskingDetector.DefaultMaskingDetector | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Bio.Taxa | |
| AbstractTaxon | | AbstractTaxon | NotPorted |
| CircularReferenceException | | CircularReferenceException | NotPorted |
| EbiFormat | | EbiFormat | NotPorted |
| SimpleTaxon | | SimpleTaxon | NotPorted |
| SimpleTaxonFactory | | SimpleTaxonFactory | NotPorted |
| Taxon | | ITaxon | NotPorted |
| TaxonFactory | | ITaxonFactory | NotPorted |
| TaxonParser | | ITaxonParser | NotPorted |
| WeakTaxon | | WeakTaxon | NotPorted |
| WeakTaxonFactory | | WeakTaxonFactory | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Directory | |
| OBDARegistryParser | | OBDARegistryParser | NotPorted |
| ProviderNotFoundException | | ProviderNotFoundException | NotPorted |
| Registry | | Registry | NotPorted |
| RegistryConfiguration | | IRegistryConfiguration | NotPorted |
| RegistryConfiguration.Composite | | RegistryConfiguration.Composite | NotPorted |
| RegistryConfiguration.Impl | | RegistryConfiguration.Impl | NotPorted |
| RegistryException | | RegistryException | NotPorted |
| SequenceDBProvider | | ISequenceDBProvider | NotPorted |
| SystemRegistry | | SystemRegistry | NotPorted |
org.biojava.naming | BioSharp.Core.Naming | |
| ObdaContext | | ObdaContext | NotPorted |
| ObdaInitialContextFactory | | ObdaInitialContextFactory | NotPorted |
| ObdaUriParser | | ObdaUriParser | NotPorted |
org.biojava.ontology | BioSharp.Core.Ontology | |
| AbstractTerm | | AbstractTerm | NotPorted |
| AlreadyExistsException | | AlreadyExistsException | NotPorted |
| DefaultOps | | DefaultOps | NotPorted |
| IntegerOntology | | IntegerOntology | NotPorted |
| InvalidTermException | | InvalidTermException | NotPorted |
| Ontology | | IOntology | NotPorted |
| Ontology.Impl | | Ontology.Impl | NotPorted |
| OntologyException | | OntologyException | NotPorted |
| OntologyFactory | | IOntologyFactory | NotPorted |
| OntologyOps | | IOntologyOps | NotPorted |
| OntologyTerm | | IOntologyTerm | NotPorted |
| OntologyTerm.Impl | | OntologyTerm.Impl | NotPorted |
| OntoTools | | OntoTools | Stub |
| RemoteTerm | | IRemoteTerm | NotPorted |
| RemoteTerm.Impl | | RemoteTerm.Impl | NotPorted |
| Term | | ITerm | Stub |
| Term.Impl | | Term.Impl | NotPorted |
| Triple | | ITriple | NotPorted |
| Triple.Impl | | Triple.Impl | NotPorted |
| Variable | | IVariable | NotPorted |
| Variable.Impl | | Variable.Impl | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Ontology.IO | |
| GOParser | | GOParser | NotPorted |
| TabDelimParser | | TabDelimParser | NotPorted |
org.biojava.stats.svm | BioSharp.Core.Stats.Svm | |
| AbstractSVMClassifierModel | | AbstractSVMClassifierModel | NotPorted |
| AbstractSVMTarget | | AbstractSVMTarget | NotPorted |
| CachingKernel | | CachingKernel | NotPorted |
| DiagonalAddKernel | | DiagonalAddKernel | NotPorted |
| DiagonalCachingKernel | | DiagonalCachingKernel | NotPorted |
| ItemValue | | IItemValue | NotPorted |
| LinearKernel | | LinearKernel | NotPorted |
| ListSumKernel | | ListSumKernel | NotPorted |
| NestedKernel | | NestedKernel | NotPorted |
| NormalizingKernel | | NormalizingKernel | NotPorted |
| PolynomialKernel | | PolynomialKernel | NotPorted |
| RadialBaseKernel | | RadialBaseKernel | NotPorted |
| SigmoidKernel | | SigmoidKernel | NotPorted |
| SimpleItemValue | | SimpleItemValue | NotPorted |
| SimpleSVMClassifierModel | | SimpleSVMClassifierModel | NotPorted |
| SimpleSVMTarget | | SimpleSVMTarget | NotPorted |
| SMORegressionTrainer | | SMORegressionTrainer | NotPorted |
| SMOTrainer | | SMOTrainer | NotPorted |
| SparseVector | | SparseVector | NotPorted |
| SparseVector.NormalizingKernel | | SparseVector.NormalizingKernel | NotPorted |
| SVMClassifierModel | | ISVMClassifierModel | NotPorted |
| SVMKernel | | ISVMKernel | NotPorted |
| SVMRegressionModel | | SVMRegressionModel | NotPorted |
| SVMTarget | | ISVMTarget | NotPorted |
| TrainingContext | | ITrainingContext | NotPorted |
| TrainingEvent | | TrainingEvent | NotPorted |
| TrainingListener | | ITrainingListener | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Stats.Svm.Tools | |
| ClassifierExample | | ClassifierExample | NotPorted |
| ClassifierExample.PointClassifier | | ClassifierExample.PointClassifier | NotPorted |
| Classify | | Classify | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel | | SuffixTreeKernel | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel.DepthScaler | | SuffixTreeKernel.IDepthScaler | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel.MultipleScalar | | SuffixTreeKernel.MultipleScalar | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel.NullModelScaler | | SuffixTreeKernel.NullModelScaler | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel.SelectionScalar | | SuffixTreeKernel.SelectionScalar | NotPorted |
| SuffixTreeKernel.UniformScaler | | SuffixTreeKernel.UniformScaler | NotPorted |
| SVM_Light | | SVM_Light | NotPorted |
| SVM_Light.LabelledVector | | SVM_Light.LabelledVector | NotPorted |
| Train | | Train | NotPorted |
| TrainRegression | | TrainRegression | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils | BioSharp.Core.Utils | |
| AbstractChangeable | | AbstractChangeable | Complete |
| ActivityListener | | IActivityListener | NotPorted |
| AssertionFailure | | AssertionFailure | NotPorted |
| BeanAsMap | | BeanAsMap | NotPorted |
| Changeable | | IChangeable | Complete |
| ChangeAdapter | | ChangeAdapter | Complete |
| ChangeEvent | | ChangeEvent | Complete |
| ChangeForwarder | | ChangeForwarder | Complete |
| ChangeForwarder.Retyper | | ChangeForwarder.Retyper | Complete |
| ChangeHub | | IChangeHub | NotPorted |
| ChangeListener | | IChangeListener | Complete |
| ChangeListener.AlwaysVetoListener | | ChangeListener.AlwaysVetoListener | NotPorted |
| ChangeListener.ChangeEventRecorder | | ChangeListener.ChangeEventRecorder | Complete |
| ChangeListener.LoggingListener | | ChangeListener.LoggingListener | Complete |
| ChangeSupport | | ChangeSupport | Complete |
| ChangeType | | ChangeType | Complete |
| ChangeVetoException | | ChangeVetoException | Complete |
| ClassTools | | ClassTools | NotPorted |
| Commitable | | ICommitable | NotPorted |
| CommitFailure | | CommitFailure | NotPorted |
| Constants | | Constants | NotPorted |
| ExecRunner | | ExecRunner | NotPorted |
| FileAsList | | FileAsList | NotPorted |
| IndexedChangeHub | | IndexedChangeHub | NotPorted |
| JDBCConnectionPool | | JDBCConnectionPool | NotPorted |
| JDBCPooledDataSource | | JDBCPooledDataSource | NotPorted |
| ListTools | | ListTools<T> | Partial |
| ListTools.Doublet | | ListTools.Doublet | NotPorted |
| ListTools.Mapper | | ListTools.IMapper | NotPorted |
| ListTools.SeriesList | | ListTools.SeriesList | NotPorted |
| ListTools.Triplet | | ListTools.Triplet | NotPorted |
| MergingIterator | | MergingIterator | NotPorted |
| MergingSet | | MergingSet | NotPorted |
| ObjectUtil | | ObjectUtil | NotPorted |
| OverlayMap | | OverlayMap | NotPorted |
| ParseErrorEvent | | ParseErrorEvent | Complete |
| ParseErrorListener | | IParseErrorListener | Complete |
| ParseErrorSource | | IParseErrorSource | Complete |
| ParserException | | ParserException | Complete |
| ProcessTimeoutException | | ProcessTimeoutException | NotPorted |
| ProcessTools | | ProcessTools | NotPorted |
| RepeatedCharSequence | | RepeatedCharSequence | NotPorted |
| Services | | Services | NotPorted |
| SimpleThreadPool | | SimpleThreadPool | NotPorted |
| SingletonList | | SingletonList<T> | Complete |
| SmallMap | | SmallMap | NotPorted |
| SmallSet | | SmallSet | NotPorted |
| StaticMemberPlaceHolder | | StaticMemberPlaceHolder | NotPorted |
| ThreadPool | | IThreadPool | NotPorted |
| TriState | | TriState | NotPorted |
| TypedProperties | | TypedProperties | NotPorted |
| Unchangeable | | Unchangeable | Partial |
org.biojava.utils.automata | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Automata | |
| ArrayStateMachineToolkit | | ArrayStateMachineToolkit | NotPorted |
| AutomatonException | | AutomatonException | NotPorted |
| DfaBuilder | | DfaBuilder | NotPorted |
| FiniteAutomaton | | FiniteAutomaton | NotPorted |
| Nfa | | Nfa | NotPorted |
| NfaBuilder | | INfaBuilder | NotPorted |
| NfaSubModel | | NfaSubModel | NotPorted |
| PatternBlitz | | PatternBlitz | NotPorted |
| PatternListener | | IPatternListener | NotPorted |
| PatternMaker | | PatternMaker | NotPorted |
| StateMachineFactory | | IStateMachineFactory | NotPorted |
| StateMachineInstance | | IStateMachineInstance | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.cache | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Cache | |
| Cache | | ICache | NotPorted |
| CacheMap | | ICacheMap | NotPorted |
| CacheReference | | ICacheReference | NotPorted |
| ChangeableCache | | ChangeableCache | NotPorted |
| FixedSizeCache | | FixedSizeCache | NotPorted |
| FixedSizeMap | | FixedSizeMap | NotPorted |
| KeyedWeakReference | | KeyedWeakReference | NotPorted |
| SoftReferenceCache | | SoftReferenceCache | NotPorted |
| WeakCacheMap | | WeakCacheMap | NotPorted |
| WeakValueHashMap | | WeakValueHashMap | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.candy | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Candy | |
| CandyEntry | | CandyEntry | NotPorted |
| CandyException | | CandyException | NotPorted |
| CandyFinder | | ICandyFinder | NotPorted |
| CandyVocabulary | | ICandyVocabulary | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Utils.IO | |
| CachingInputStream | | CachingInputStream | NotPorted |
| CountedBufferedReader | | CountedBufferedReader | NotPorted |
| InputStreamProvider | | InputStreamProvider | NotPorted |
| LargeBuffer | | LargeBuffer | NotPorted |
| RAF | | RAF | NotPorted |
| RandomAccessReader | | RandomAccessReader | NotPorted |
| Seekable | | ISeekable | NotPorted |
| UncompressInputStream | | UncompressInputStream | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.lsid | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Lsid | |
| Identifiable | | IIdentifiable | NotPorted |
| LifeScienceIdentifier | | LifeScienceIdentifier | Partial |
| LifeScienceIdentifierParseException | | LifeScienceIdentifierParseException | Partial |
org.biojava.utils.math | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Math | |
| BinarySearch | | BinarySearch | NotPorted |
| ComputeObject | | IComputeObject | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Net | |
| URLFactory | | IURLFactory | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.process | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Process | |
| ExternalProcess | | ExternalProcess | NotPorted |
| InputHandler | | IInputHandler | NotPorted |
| OutputHandler | | IOutputHandler | NotPorted |
| ReaderInputHandler | | ReaderInputHandler | NotPorted |
| ReaderWriterPipe | | ReaderWriterPipe | NotPorted |
| SimpleInputHandler | | SimpleInputHandler | NotPorted |
| SimpleOutputHandler | | SimpleOutputHandler | NotPorted |
| StreamPipe | | StreamPipe | NotPorted |
| WriterOutputHandler | | WriterOutputHandler | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.regex | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Regex | |
| Matcher | | Matcher | NotPorted |
| Pattern | | Pattern | NotPorted |
| PatternFactory | | PatternFactory | NotPorted |
| RegexException | | RegexException | NotPorted |
| Search | | Search | NotPorted |
| Search.Listener | | Search.IListener | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.stax | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Stax | |
| BooleanElementHandlerBase | | BooleanElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| ByteElementHandlerBase | | ByteElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| CharElementHandlerBase | | CharElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| DelegationManager | | IDelegationManager | NotPorted |
| DoubleElementHandlerBase | | DoubleElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| FloatElementHandlerBase | | FloatElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| IntElementHandlerBase | | IntElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| LongElementHandlerBase | | LongElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| SAX2StAXAdaptor | | SAX2StAXAdaptor | NotPorted |
| StAXContentHandler | | IStAXContentHandler | NotPorted |
| StAXContentHandlerBase | | StAXContentHandlerBase | NotPorted |
| StringElementHandlerBase | | StringElementHandlerBase | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.walker | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Walker | |
| Visitor | | IVisitor | NotPorted |
| Walker | | IWalker | NotPorted |
| WalkerFactory | | WalkerFactory | NotPorted |
org.biojava.utils.xml | BioSharp.Core.Utils.Xml | |
| AppBeanRunner | | AppBeanRunner | NotPorted |
| AppEntry | | IAppEntry | NotPorted |
| AppException | | AppException | NotPorted |
| FastXMLWriter | | FastXMLWriter | NotPorted |
| Initializable | | IInitializable | NotPorted |
| PrettyXMLWriter | | PrettyXMLWriter | NotPorted |
| ResourceEntityResolver | | ResourceEntityResolver | NotPorted |
| XMLBeans | | XMLBeans | NotPorted |
| XMLWritable | | IXMLWritable | NotPorted |
| XMLWriter | | IXMLWriter | NotPorted |
org.biojavax | BioSharp.Extensions | |
| Comment | | IComment | NotPorted |
| CrossRef | | ICrossRef | NotPorted |
| CrossReferenceResolutionException | | CrossReferenceResolutionException | NotPorted |
| CrossReferenceResolver | | ICrossReferenceResolver | NotPorted |
| DocRef | | IDocRef | NotPorted |
| DocRefAuthor | | IDocRefAuthor | NotPorted |
| DocRefAuthor.Tools | | DocRefAuthor.Tools | NotPorted |
| DummyCrossReferenceResolver | | DummyCrossReferenceResolver | NotPorted |
| EmptyRichAnnotation | | EmptyRichAnnotation | NotPorted |
| Namespace | | INamespace | NotPorted |
| Note | | INote | NotPorted |
| RankedCrossRef | | IRankedCrossRef | NotPorted |
| RankedCrossRefable | | IRankedCrossRefable | NotPorted |
| RankedDocRef | | IRankedDocRef | NotPorted |
| RichAnnotatable | | IRichAnnotatable | NotPorted |
| RichAnnotation | | IRichAnnotation | NotPorted |
| RichObjectBuilder | | IRichObjectBuilder | NotPorted |
| RichObjectFactory | | RichObjectFactory | NotPorted |
| SimpleComment | | SimpleComment | NotPorted |
| SimpleCrossRef | | SimpleCrossRef | NotPorted |
| SimpleDocRef | | SimpleDocRef | NotPorted |
| SimpleDocRefAuthor | | SimpleDocRefAuthor | NotPorted |
| SimpleNamespace | | SimpleNamespace | NotPorted |
| SimpleNote | | SimpleNote | NotPorted |
| SimpleRankedCrossRef | | SimpleRankedCrossRef | NotPorted |
| SimpleRankedDocRef | | SimpleRankedDocRef | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichAnnotation | | SimpleRichAnnotation | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichObjectBuilder | | SimpleRichObjectBuilder | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio | |
| BioEntry | | IBioEntry | NotPorted |
| BioEntryIterator | | IBioEntryIterator | NotPorted |
| BioEntryRelationship | | IBioEntryRelationship | NotPorted |
| SimpleBioEntry | | SimpleBioEntry | NotPorted |
| SimpleBioEntryRelationship | | SimpleBioEntryRelationship | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Db | |
| AbstractBioEntryDB | | AbstractBioEntryDB | NotPorted |
| AbstractRichSequenceDB | | AbstractRichSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| BioEntryDB | | IBioEntryDB | NotPorted |
| BioEntryDBLite | | IBioEntryDBLite | NotPorted |
| HashBioEntryDB | | HashBioEntryDB | NotPorted |
| HashRichSequenceDB | | HashRichSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceDB | | IRichSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceDBLite | | IRichSequenceDBLite | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Db.Biosql | |
| BioSQLAcceptAllFilter | | BioSQLAcceptAllFilter | NotPorted |
| BioSQLAcceptNoneFilter | | BioSQLAcceptNoneFilter | NotPorted |
| BioSQLBioEntryDB | | BioSQLBioEntryDB | NotPorted |
| BioSQLCrossReferenceResolver | | BioSQLCrossReferenceResolver | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter | | IBioSQLFeatureFilter | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.And | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.And | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByName | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByName | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNote | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNote | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNoteTermOnly | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByNoteTermOnly | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByRank | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByRank | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySequenceName | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySequenceName | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTerm | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTerm | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTermName | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.BySourceTermName | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByStrand | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByStrand | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTerm | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTerm | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTermName | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ByTypeTermName | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.ContainedByRichLocation | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.ContainedByRichLocation | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.HibernateFeatureFilter | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.HibernateFeatureFilter | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.Not | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.Not | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.Or | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.Or | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.OverlapsRichLocation | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.OverlapsRichLocation | NotPorted |
| BioSQLFeatureFilter.Tools | | BioSQLFeatureFilter.Tools | NotPorted |
| BioSQLRichObjectBuilder | | BioSQLRichObjectBuilder | NotPorted |
| BioSQLRichSequenceDB | | BioSQLRichSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| BioSQLRichSequenceHandler | | BioSQLRichSequenceHandler | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Db.Ncbi | |
| GenbankRichSequenceDB | | GenbankRichSequenceDB | NotPorted |
| GenpeptRichSequenceDB | | GenpeptRichSequenceDB | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Phylo | |
| DistanceBasedTreeMethod | | DistanceBasedTreeMethod | NotPorted |
| MultipleHitCorrection | | MultipleHitCorrection | NotPorted |
| ParsimonyTreeMethod | | ParsimonyTreeMethod | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Phylo.IO.Nexus | |
| CharactersBlock | | CharactersBlock | NotPorted |
| CharactersBlockBuilder | | CharactersBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| CharactersBlockListener | | ICharactersBlockListener | NotPorted |
| CharactersBlockParser | | CharactersBlockParser | NotPorted |
| DataBlock | | DataBlock | NotPorted |
| DataBlockBuilder | | DataBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| DataBlockListener | | IDataBlockListener | NotPorted |
| DataBlockParser | | DataBlockParser | NotPorted |
| DistancesBlock | | DistancesBlock | NotPorted |
| DistancesBlockBuilder | | DistancesBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| DistancesBlockListener | | IDistancesBlockListener | NotPorted |
| DistancesBlockParser | | DistancesBlockParser | NotPorted |
| NexusBlock | | INexusBlock | NotPorted |
| NexusBlock.Abstract | | NexusBlock.Abstract | NotPorted |
| NexusBlockBuilder | | INexusBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| NexusBlockBuilder.Abstract | | NexusBlockBuilder.Abstract | NotPorted |
| NexusBlockListener | | INexusBlockListener | NotPorted |
| NexusBlockParser | | INexusBlockParser | NotPorted |
| NexusBlockParser.Abstract | | NexusBlockParser.Abstract | NotPorted |
| NexusComment | | NexusComment | NotPorted |
| NexusFile | | NexusFile | NotPorted |
| NexusFileBuilder | | NexusFileBuilder | NotPorted |
| NexusFileFormat | | NexusFileFormat | NotPorted |
| NexusFileListener | | INexusFileListener | NotPorted |
| NexusFileListener.Abstract | | NexusFileListener.Abstract | NotPorted |
| NexusObject | | INexusObject | NotPorted |
| TaxaBlock | | TaxaBlock | NotPorted |
| TaxaBlockBuilder | | TaxaBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| TaxaBlockListener | | ITaxaBlockListener | NotPorted |
| TaxaBlockParser | | TaxaBlockParser | NotPorted |
| TreesBlock | | TreesBlock | NotPorted |
| TreesBlock.NewickTreeString | | TreesBlock.NewickTreeString | NotPorted |
| TreesBlockBuilder | | TreesBlockBuilder | NotPorted |
| TreesBlockListener | | ITreesBlockListener | NotPorted |
| TreesBlockParser | | TreesBlockParser | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Phylo.IO.Phylip | |
| PHYLIPFileBuilder | | PHYLIPFileBuilder | NotPorted |
| PHYLIPFileFormat | | PHYLIPFileFormat | NotPorted |
| PHYLIPFileListener | | IPHYLIPFileListener | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Seq | |
| CompoundRichLocation | | CompoundRichLocation | NotPorted |
| DummyRichSequenceHandler | | DummyRichSequenceHandler | NotPorted |
| EmptyRichLocation | | EmptyRichLocation | NotPorted |
| InfinitelyAmbiguousSymbolList | | InfinitelyAmbiguousSymbolList | NotPorted |
| MultiSourceCompoundRichLocation | | MultiSourceCompoundRichLocation | NotPorted |
| Position | | IPosition | NotPorted |
| PositionResolver | | IPositionResolver | NotPorted |
| PositionResolver.AverageResolver | | PositionResolver.AverageResolver | NotPorted |
| PositionResolver.MaximalResolver | | PositionResolver.MaximalResolver | NotPorted |
| PositionResolver.MinimalResolver | | PositionResolver.MinimalResolver | NotPorted |
| RichFeature | | IRichFeature | NotPorted |
| RichFeature.Template | | RichFeature.Template | NotPorted |
| RichFeature.Tools | | RichFeature.Tools | NotPorted |
| RichFeatureRelationship | | IRichFeatureRelationship | NotPorted |
| RichFeatureRelationshipHolder | | IRichFeatureRelationshipHolder | NotPorted |
| RichLocation | | IRichLocation | NotPorted |
| RichLocation.Strand | | RichLocation.Strand | NotPorted |
| RichLocation.Tools | | RichLocation.Tools | NotPorted |
| RichSequence | | IRichSequence | NotPorted |
| RichSequence.IOTools | | RichSequence.IOTools | NotPorted |
| RichSequence.Terms | | RichSequence.Terms | NotPorted |
| RichSequence.Tools | | RichSequence.Tools | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceHandler | | IRichSequenceHandler | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceIterator | | IRichSequenceIterator | NotPorted |
| SimplePosition | | SimplePosition | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichFeature | | SimpleRichFeature | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichFeatureRelationship | | SimpleRichFeatureRelationship | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichLocation | | SimpleRichLocation | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichSequence | | SimpleRichSequence | NotPorted |
| ThinRichSequence | | ThinRichSequence | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Seq.IO | |
| DebuggingRichSeqIOListener | | DebuggingRichSeqIOListener | NotPorted |
| EMBLFormat | | EMBLFormat | NotPorted |
| EMBLFormat.Terms | | EMBLFormat.Terms | NotPorted |
| EMBLxmlFormat | | EMBLxmlFormat | NotPorted |
| EMBLxmlFormat.Terms | | EMBLxmlFormat.Terms | NotPorted |
| FastaFormat | | FastaFormat | NotPorted |
| FastaHeader | | FastaHeader | NotPorted |
| GenbankFormat | | GenbankFormat | NotPorted |
| GenbankFormat.Terms | | GenbankFormat.Terms | NotPorted |
| GenbankLocationParser | | GenbankLocationParser | NotPorted |
| INSDseqFormat | | INSDseqFormat | NotPorted |
| INSDseqFormat.Terms | | INSDseqFormat.Terms | NotPorted |
| RichSeqIOAdapter | | RichSeqIOAdapter | NotPorted |
| RichSeqIOListener | | IRichSeqIOListener | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceBuilder | | IRichSequenceBuilder | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceBuilderFactory | | IRichSequenceBuilderFactory | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceFormat | | IRichSequenceFormat | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceFormat.BasicFormat | | RichSequenceFormat.BasicFormat | NotPorted |
| RichSequenceFormat.HeaderlessFormat | | RichSequenceFormat.HeaderlessFormat | NotPorted |
| RichStreamReader | | RichStreamReader | NotPorted |
| RichStreamWriter | | RichStreamWriter | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichSequenceBuilder | | SimpleRichSequenceBuilder | NotPorted |
| SimpleRichSequenceBuilderFactory | | SimpleRichSequenceBuilderFactory | NotPorted |
| UniProtCommentParser | | UniProtCommentParser | NotPorted |
| UniProtCommentParser.Event | | UniProtCommentParser.Event | NotPorted |
| UniProtCommentParser.Interaction | | UniProtCommentParser.Interaction | NotPorted |
| UniProtCommentParser.Isoform | | UniProtCommentParser.Isoform | NotPorted |
| UniProtCommentParser.SeqCaution | | UniProtCommentParser.SeqCaution | NotPorted |
| UniProtFormat | | UniProtFormat | NotPorted |
| UniProtFormat.Terms | | UniProtFormat.Terms | NotPorted |
| UniProtLocationParser | | UniProtLocationParser | NotPorted |
| UniProtXMLFormat | | UniProtXMLFormat | NotPorted |
| UniProtXMLFormat.Terms | | UniProtXMLFormat.Terms | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Seq.RichSequence | |
| IOTools.SingleRichSeqIterator | | IOTools.SingleRichSeqIterator | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Taxa | |
| NCBITaxon | | INCBITaxon | NotPorted |
| SimpleNCBITaxon | | SimpleNCBITaxon | NotPorted |
| SimpleNCBITaxonName | | SimpleNCBITaxonName | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Bio.Taxa.IO | |
| NCBITaxonomyLoader | | INCBITaxonomyLoader | NotPorted |
| SimpleNCBITaxonomyLoader | | SimpleNCBITaxonomyLoader | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Ga | |
| GAStoppingCriteria | | IGAStoppingCriteria | NotPorted |
| GAStoppingCriteria.MaximumGeneration | | GAStoppingCriteria.MaximumGeneration | NotPorted |
| GeneticAlgorithm | | IGeneticAlgorithm | NotPorted |
| Organism | | IOrganism | NotPorted |
| Population | | IPopulation | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Ga.Exception | |
| IllegalOrganismException | | IllegalOrganismException | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Ga.Functions | |
| AbstractCrossOverFunction | | AbstractCrossOverFunction | NotPorted |
| AbstractMutationFunction | | AbstractMutationFunction | NotPorted |
| CrossOverFunction | | ICrossOverFunction | NotPorted |
| CrossOverFunction.NoCross | | CrossOverFunction.NoCross | NotPorted |
| FitnessFunction | | IFitnessFunction | NotPorted |
| GACross | | IGACross | NotPorted |
| GACrossResult | | IGACrossResult | NotPorted |
| MutationFunction | | IMutationFunction | NotPorted |
| MutationFunction.NoMutation | | MutationFunction.NoMutation | NotPorted |
| OrderCrossover | | OrderCrossover | NotPorted |
| ProportionalSelection | | ProportionalSelection | NotPorted |
| SelectionFunction | | ISelectionFunction | NotPorted |
| SelectionFunction.SelectAll | | SelectionFunction.SelectAll | NotPorted |
| SelectionFunction.Threshold | | SelectionFunction.Threshold | NotPorted |
| SimpleCrossOverFunction | | SimpleCrossOverFunction | NotPorted |
| SimpleGACrossResult | | SimpleGACrossResult | NotPorted |
| SimpleMutationFunction | | SimpleMutationFunction | NotPorted |
| SwapMutationFunction | | SwapMutationFunction | NotPorted |
| TournamentSelection | | TournamentSelection | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Ga.Impl | |
| AbstractGeneticAlgorithm | | AbstractGeneticAlgorithm | NotPorted |
| AbstractOrganism | | AbstractOrganism | NotPorted |
| AbstractPopulation | | AbstractPopulation | NotPorted |
| SimpleGeneticAlgorithm | | SimpleGeneticAlgorithm | NotPorted |
| SimpleOrganism | | SimpleOrganism | NotPorted |
| SimplePopulation | | SimplePopulation | NotPorted | | BioSharp.Extensions.Ga.Util | |
| GATools | | GATools | NotPorted |
| WeightedSet | | WeightedSet | NotPorted |
org.biojavax.ontology | BioSharp.Extensions.Ontology | |
| ComparableOntology | | IComparableOntology | NotPorted |
| ComparableTerm | | IComparableTerm | NotPorted |
| ComparableTriple | | IComparableTriple | NotPorted |
| SimpleComparableOntology | | SimpleComparableOntology | NotPorted |
| SimpleComparableTerm | | SimpleComparableTerm | NotPorted |
| SimpleComparableTriple | | SimpleComparableTriple | NotPorted |
org.biojavax.utils | BioSharp.Extensions.Utils | |
| CRC64Checksum | | CRC64Checksum | NotPorted |
| StringTools | | StringTools | NotPorted |
| XMLTools | | XMLTools | NotPorted |